Monday, December 14, 2009

Thinking Blue...


I apparently have terrible mother's intuition...
My family is completely excited, as am I. I honestly never thought I'd have a girl just because I wanted one SO much. I'm only 19 weeks and 6 days..but I am already shopping for stuff. I feel like I need to get a heads up on all these clothes I will be purchasing in the future. There is a LOT to pick from! Not to mention the accessories...and the shoes! ugh..I love it.

Jackson is excited about having a sister. Mostly because he doesn't understand yet what it entails...barbies not trucks, baby dolls not batman toys. He's gonna have to share still..with a girl. We will see how it goes. But I know regardless, he is going to be an awesome big brother.

I was reading through a journal I kept when pregnant with Jack and was amazed at all I had accomplished by 20 weeks. I had already registered for my baby shower! WHAT?! I haven't even THOUGHT about a baby shower...

I have also been wondering if I am bigger this time around..but as luck would have it I am about the same size. Which means I still have a good 40lbs. to gain.

I'm just starting to try and grasp onto the concept that I am going to have 2 babies by this time next year. Hopefully I will be able to pull it together because now..when I think about gives me panic attacks. No joke.

But on the flip side..It's A Girl!!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Jackson's Day

This very day changed my life, just 3 years ago. Its hard to imagine that I was lying in a hospital bed about to embark on this life long journey. I was heading into unknown territory. Something I was completely scared out of my mind about but at the same time was so surrounded by love that it didn't matter if I had no idea what I was about to do. Jack was born. He officially made me a mother at 1:40pm on this day back in 2006. I'm pretty sure its my raging pregnancy hormones, but this birthday more so then the other two, has really gotten to me. Three. That is not a baby anymore, however I frequently address him as the baby. He will always be MY baby. Even when our newest makes its arrival...Jack is the one that I will have experienced everything first with. That makes him special, ya know? NOT that I am playing favorites! But there is something about your first, no? I'm sure there will be something about my second too. But I wont know until she/he gets her butt here.(Only 23 more weeks to go!)

So my little man is off of school today. Actually ALL week. We started our day with morning cartoons and cereal. Typical. Then we got dressed and took off for a birthday adventure. We decided to go to the local children's museum. Which in hindsight was an awful idea. EVERYONE is off this week. Plus its chilly outside. Of course moms everywhere wanted to take their children to the museum. AND that's exactly what they did. But none the less, Jack had a great time. But it exhausted us both. So we decided to wrap up the adventure and take a nice nap.

Now we are waiting for daddy to come home so we can open his presents and go to a special birthday dinner. I just love my little 3 year old...however he will argue with you to the point of tears saying he is 4. Whatever. Ya wanna be 4 today, then so be it. Not gonna argue..its your day :)

Here are some pictures throughout his *long* life of a rambunctious 3...or 4...year old.

First night into the world

2-3 months old

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Week 14's Musings

This week has brought some interesting new pregnancy symptoms. I can officially say I had my first off the wall craving. Maybe its not so off the wall to some, but for me it totally is. On Saturday I got the sudden urge that I needed boneless buffalo wings. Had to have them sometime in the near future or else someone was getting hurt. So who must come to the rescue when I get an insta-craving? Why..Mr. O. That's who! He was sent off to Chili's and my craving was met. I love that man.

Heartburn has come on full swing. I thought I was going to breathe out fire the other night. As awesome that would have looked, it didn't feel so hot. Or cold...ya know what I mean.

But one perk! I SWEAR I can feel baby movements. They are tiny still..and they could quite possibly be gas still. But I'm gonna say its Baby O. I can't and can wait for the larger kicks to come.

Mr. O and I find out the gender on December 2. Against Mr. O's wish of course...but once he is going to push out our next child out of any orifice on his body, he doesn't have that big of a say so.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

29 More Weeks

My bun in the oven is officially 11 weeks today. I have 29 weeks to go. My poor poor husband. I feel as though my hormones ran into me with a semi truck going 11000 miles an hour. Can anyone relate? One minute I was a sleepy, lazy human being. Now I am bipolar, makes for interesting moments in our house. We should have our own reality t.v. show called, "Diary of a Mad White Woman".

Anything and everything is making me cry. Even the Dr. Oz show made me cry. I don't need to know much of a story line..just need to see one touching moment, then TEARS. It's insane.

I almost murdered my husband last night for something silly. My alibi, "But your honor, you see...that SOB knocked me up. End of story." Think it would hold up?

Baby O, which is what my fetus will be called from here on out, is now 2 inches long. Imagine that...funny. Can you believe we were all only 2 inches at one point? Weird. That's one of those questions that would boggle my stoner friend's mind. Anyway, this week Baby O wasn't compared to a fruit in my expecting email. I'm thinking a big chocolate covered strawberry. Like the ones from Godiva, YUM!

On to my Jackson..

I'm loving this age. The independence factor is AMAZING. He does everything on his own, besides wipe his own ass. Which we are working on. I'm just thrilled I will be getting a 9 month break from poo.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Growing Bones

Im officially 10 weeks along. Im not quite out of the scary first trimester. I have two weeks to go. I read somewhere that the baby is the size of a prune. I have an email sent to me every week telling me about the progress the baby is making and it always compares it to a different fruit.

Once it was a raspberry..then last week it was a grape. Now a prune. Appetizing.

Thankfully I haven't had any morning sickness, yet. It was completely different when I was pregnant with Jack. I was CONSTANTLY getting sick..morning, noon and night. Other than the occasional round ligament pain, I haven't really had that many pregnancy symptoms. Other than the fact that I look about 6 months pregnant. I know you show earlier with every pregnancy..but really? this much?

Now onto my first born. Jack has been hilarious lately. He totallllly gets that from his mommy. Daddy thinks he's funny. Not so much.

Yesterday he saw my bra laying on the table..ya know, the prime spot for any undergarment to go, right? So this was our convo:

J: "Mommy, I want boobs!"
M: my back turned,"HUH?!"
J:"I wanna wear boobs!"

I then noticed my bra...geez. I sense therapy in his future.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Life did a 180

Its amazing what can happen in a little over two months. That was the last time I felt inspired enough to blog. Really, its the last time I had time to sit in front of my computer for more than 5 minutes.

Well for starters..I got married.

Im sure everyone who reads this..or used to read it, knows this tidbit of information. It was amazing. Not only the ceremony but just finally finding someone that I want to spend the rest of my life with..that's amazing.

If someone would have told me 6 months ago that I was gonna get married this year I would have laughed in their face!

So my husband and I have been dating for 3 months..married for a week. I like to keep things interesting. Life is too short to be so predictable.


We are expecting baby #2.

This blog is gonna take that turn...gonna turn into a pregnancy blog. Pregnant with one crazy 3 year old blog. Pregnant, with 3 year old, newlywed, going insane kinda blog. Prepare yourself.

Baby#2 is due May 4. Im 9 weeks along. With 231 days left. to. go....................

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pour Me A Glass of Your Finest Wine

My childcare lady is closed this whole week. It's her vacation..she only does this once a year. She has 3 kids 4 and under...I don't blame her taking a week off. So I have to come up with creative ways to spend the day with Jack that or find him a sitter. Today I had no luck finding a sitter so I figured we could have Jack and Mommy day. Sounds fun huh?

First off, I woke up in a terrible mood at 6:30 am. I was at Roland's and decided I needed to just go home. I woke up Jackson and left at the same time he was leaving for work. Jack usually goes back to sleep on the way home but not this day. Not on Jack and Mommy day! He decided to stay up and wake up my mom. I tried to fake sleep for about 2.5 hours but it didn't work.

I wanted to get our festivities on at about 11 am. Well...11 am rolls around and I am still dragging ass with a whiny 2.5 year old following me around. Not a good mixture. Especially for someone who is PMSing...

I had to rush a sack lunch to my sister up at her school, I took Jack with me. He ended up passing out in the car. Sweet. He needed a nap BAD. He ended up sleeping for about 1 hour. Not enough time apparently...

He woke up and my mom and I were starving. We went to a local burger joint. Jack acted like a 2 year old on crack. He wouldn't leave the poor people in the booth behind us alone. They seemed like real toddler-lovin people...NOT! My mom also dropped her chalupa and managed to fling gobs of lettuce and tomato at my face. Awesome!

We decided to take Jack to the movies to see Ice Age 3. It was a bit of an experiment. How long can the sugared up 2 year old stay still and quiet at that. The kid cant even do this in his sleep. I don't know why we thought he would at the movie. So Hypothesis: 2.5 year old will not sit still during movie. Before the movie even started he managed to fall on top of his head and get a huge bump on his forehead. He was more intrigued with the projection machine then the show. Needless to say, we ducked out about an hour into the movie. That was a $47 experiment. Hypothesis proven true.

We ended up heading to Target. I wanted a book and needed diapers. I didn't have any diapers with me. Jack had been doing very well at telling me when he needed to go potty so at Target I took his off. (Future BIG mistake) Target ended up not having my book..neither did any of the Barnes and Nobles in the area. Its a popular one! I asked Jack 100000 times if he needed to go potty..always answered back with a No Mommy.

We get home..finally. I find out that my trunk window on my SUV is broken and wont close. Sweet huh? We step inside..there is almost light at the end of the tunnel.. I pull of Jacks shorts to put him in a pull up.. He pooped his pants. But he had sat on me first. Cool! Poop on my leg!

After a bitch fest and throwing Jack into the tub, I reallllly had to pee. I plopped on the pot and guess who decided to visit...Yup, Aunt Flo. That was the cherry on top!

Needless to say, I'm enjoying a BIG glass of wine while my child is eating leftovers and watching Dora. I'm definitely NOT made to be a stay at home mom.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Potty Training Stinks....Literally.

So we began the adventures in potty training about 2 weeks ago. Well, we literally started about 2 months ago, but really started getting into the swing of things these past couple weeks.

You know people are chalk full of advice when you are pregnant. Ya know, "Enjoy your sleep now because you wont sleep for years" or "The newborn stage is the hardest, once you get past that its easy breezy".

I just wanna say...pssssssssh YEAH RIGHT. I think these people forget how hard it is to potty train a human being. A human being with the attention span of a fly. A human being who doesn't grasp the concept that their own poop smells.

But Jackson has been doing pretty good lately. Thanks to the help of his dad. Thank god Roland is there otherwise I'm pretty sure Jack would be in diapers his whole life. I love that Roland gets to swoop in just in time for Jack to poop on the potty and not on his hand...that was saved all for me. yeah.

So, Jack is finally understanding that he needs to tell us when he needs to go. There have been a couple slip ups. Where he says he needs to go, but has already gone. That's ok..that's expected.

Also, I had no idea a person could pee so many times. This then multiplies if we are out in public, for instance at dinner... He must find it amusing to tell us he needs to go potty as soon as we sit down at the table. Then as soon as the food arrives. As soon as we take our first bites. When dinner is over and on our way home. Of course I act like I don't hear so Roland has to take him....What?!? Is that bad? I got pooped on my hand...remember?? Its time to pay your dues Roland.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Take Heavy Load and Place On My Back

Things have been a LIIIIITLE crazy. Life got turned upside down. But that's what happens in life. We get thrown curve balls(or in my case a baby daddy) and we just have to learn to deal with it.

Jackson's bio-dad has currently been in the picture for the past month and a half. His last appearance was when he helped create this little ball of energy I like to call Jack. This has been very interesting to say the least.

I've lost a lot and gained a little from this.

Lost...a great boyfriend.

Gained...a few pounds. I wish I could come up with a different way to deal with stress. Something that didn't involve Sonic Drive-In or chocolate chip cookies.

Jackson doesn't seem fazed by it all...other than the other day he was sitting in my lap and said,

Jack: "Mommy, I have 2 daddies"

Me: " Oh really? Who?"

Jack: "Daddy Roland.."

Me: "OK, and who else?"

Jack: "Umm....Val"

Val is my best GIRL friend. So maybe he is a tad confused..But hopefully everything dies down and things work out. Trying to stay positive and look at the things I have that I can be grateful for in life.

Wish us luck :)

Friday, May 29, 2009


There have been some recent drastic changes in our lives the past month or so. Life definitely threw us a curve ball. My happy little world was flipped upside down. Well, you get the picture. Jacks biodad is back in the mix. You heard right. His REAL dad, sperm donor, bio pop, whatever you want to call him.

So while dealing with him and everything that comes along, I have seemingly forgotten about my little ol blog. I missed you Blog!

Thankfully, Jackson is completely unaware of the circumstances and is continuing on his wrecking path, that most two year old energy balls have. Lately he is very interested in copying every word that comes out of your mouth. This includes t.v. shows, music and potty mouths.

He is also very into making up his own songs lately. He has Twinkle, Twinkle down good. So he likes to make songs up about his Mama and Mimi to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle. Usually sounding like this, "Hinkle, Hinkle, wittle stawww, mimi, mimi, mama, mimi". He also loves to play his baby guitar that Andrew bought him. He goes around the house serenading us with various, "Hinkle, Hinkle" renditions. Its very lovely. I need to be sure to take lots of pictures of him doing this, for later when he becomes famous. They can play behind him in a picture montage, right?

My mother also got him some cowboy gear this past weekend. The kit included a cowboy hat, gun and gun holster. Normally I am opposed to guns, but its cute... come on. Look for yourself:

He gallops around the house going, "Giddy Up! Giddy Up! Hi-YA!" That is Hi Ya instead of YEE HAW!

The things 2 years olds come up with.. So that's my little update for my little blog.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Time to make some Moolah its really cheesy, but I entered a contest. Its for a local radio station, but there is MONEY involved. I am always down to earn some extra cash flow..

So go look for me, I am on page 2. The one in the red and white dress... and VOTE FOR ME!

Go to the Hot Mom contest..


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Rocks

To start things off, I need to throw in a late Happy Mother's Day! I'm happy I joined the club 2.5 years ago.. Its been a great day.

This weekend was nice and slow. I didn't go out with friends or anything of that nature. Just stayed home with my son and my man. It was nice if I do say so myself...

But it was definitely needed after the weird week I had. Weird and stressful. And since it was weird and stressful, I noticed my bad food intake went off the charts.

I was a BAD BAD dieter these last 5 days. I need to triple up my workouts, put my workouts on steroids so to say.... I was THAT bad.

On the Jackson side of things, we have begun potty training. I am definitely not forcing the issue, but we are working on it. He walks around naked, gets to wear big boy undies, pull have probably heard the drill. So far so good. He has only had a couple of accidents..but he is still wearing a diaper about 60% of the time. So wish us luck!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 1

So today I had my first appt. with my personal trainer. and..... I literally, almost passed out.
I am not an active person people! I get winded when walking up a flight a stairs. No Joke. I do play softball once a week, but I am the catcher. I just squat there and throw back a ball every now and then.

I really loathe running.. ugh. But we started out with a 10 minute cardio warm up. Then went onto the actual workout part. Lunges, push ups, hard as hell crunches.. all this. For 30 minutes. About 5 minutes into it, I needed water because I was seeing spots. HAHAHA. But I blame that on the lack of food in my system. I had only had 1 breakfast taco at 9 am this morning and right before I left I scarfed down a single piece of toast with some strawberries and peanut butter.

My abs are seriously sore.

OH and then as if I wasn't already in physical pain, my PT decides to tell me, after she worked me out, that she didn't feel to good. Two words my friends, SWINE FLU.

So thanks PT, for the good but hard work out and the debilitating strand of flu that is sweeping the world.

Good Lord, my abs are going to HURT tomorrow!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

It is Crunch Time

So.... I did it. I really, really did it. I signed up with a personal trainer. I have a personal trainer for the next 6 months. How awesome is that?!? I think it is stinkin awesome. I think I may have the eating under control.. kinda, I really need to watch my chocolate chip cookie intake. But other than that I think I am doing better.

But something super frustrating about having a naturally slow metabolism? Changing your diet does squat. The only liquid I take in is water. I no longer drink anything with caffeine
(for personal reasons) So no soda, coffee or tea. This has been since December.

How much have I lost because of this? NOTHING.

I stopped eating meat...for a whole month. How much have I lost because of this? NOTHING.

It is getting a TAD frustrating...

So I decided add some exercise into the mix. I am really doing it because I want to feel healthier. I want to be able to walk up a flight of stairs and not be out of breath. I don't think that should be happening at 23 years of age..just saying...

But who are we kidding, Mommy also wants a TIGHT ASS!

So I hope to follow up with my success or unsuccessful attempts at being a MILF.

Update on Jack

Just wanted to update to clarify that I do not think my kid is horrendous really. A lot of what I say is tongue in cheek. Plus I understand that a lot of the behavior he shows is just a phase and is normal toddler behavior.

I love him to death and would die for him. I cherish every moment I have with him and would not change a thing. My life would be way worse off if he had not come into my life.

I have threatened to put him in time out twice while writing this post and he has punched me in the face. BUT I still love his stinky butt.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Horendible Twos

It seems as if my lovely two year old is really trying to out do all the terrible two stigmas that this young age has. Like he is saying, "Oh you think that is terrible? How about THIS!"

It is a whole lot of testing mom's patience and almost none of being good.

He is into doing the exact opposite of what you tell him. Throwing his toys around the living room, on purpose. Gurgling anything liquid, while we are out in public.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you ask him to get or do something he replies, "No! YOU get it!" While crossing his arms and stomping his foot. Attitude runs a plenty in his little body. Don't let his sweat demeanor full you, he is full of anger. He is about as angry as any two year old I have ever come into contact with.

He acts as if he was chained up, underneath the stairs for the first half of his life. Or like I wake him up with a spanking or something...

Please tell me this is a stage.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


-School is ALMOST over. I dont think I have ever wanted May to come so badly. I am OVAH this semester..

-Jack is continuing his two year old ways. He thinks its funny to stomp is feet at me when I tell him no.

-We are taking Jack to the beach this typical Maegan luck, its supposed to rain ALL weekend.

-Fiesta is coming up... I really want a chicken on a stick :( What to do...What to do....

-I havent lost any weight..I actually feel fatter.

Thats all for now.. I am being bombarded with my 2 year old's puzzle pieces.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Want to see what Jack is like?

For all you Internet people who have never had the pleasure of meeting Jack in person, he is a lot like this clip: (click the word mom)


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Veggie Tales: Day 1

So I completed my first day of transitioning to vegetarianism, is that even a word? It was a lot easier than I planned. Even when meat and I came face to face, which allowed me to smell the goodness, I did not give in.

I started out eating the Veggie Delight at Subway. I DID add cheese... but it was YUMMY. It was like eating salad on bread. Ha.

But I will say, and I don't know if it is coincidence or not, but I was pretty hungry a couple hours later. I found myself snacking. A LOT. I tried to keep it as healthy as possible.. do Chips Ahoy count?

Later on for dinner, I went to Chili's. The person I was with decided to order the Triple Play.. which looked and smelled yummmmmy. But I got the black bean burger and did just fine. It was actually pretty good. Pair it with the french fries and you cant even tell it is sans meat.

So all in all, Veggie Day 1 was a success. Hopefully I have the will power to go on. Every time I think of chicken Alfredo or Whataburger, I need to remember what I read and saw. Wont go into details....but it was bad enough to scare the meat out of me!
ETA: I have been reading, Skinny Bitch and went to the website.. If you like meat, DONT GO!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Gotta love my iPhone. Not only because its AWESOME and makes life easier.. but also because of the nice pictures it takes. Not tooooo shabby for a cell phone, eh?

Here are some recent ones of Jack..

This first one is at Toys R Us.. That's his, "CHEEEEESEEEE!" smile

This is he tiger hat he HAD to have.. He is growling...cant you just feel the intensity?

Here he is hitting a pinata at his friend Ella's 1st Birthday. He bitch slapped it a little bit..just to warm up I suppose.

Super Baby!! He fights off villains with his cuteness...

Child labor laws? Whats that? Who knew 2 year olds could be so handy.

Monday, March 23, 2009

*@&# head!

A lot has been changing in that baby brain of Jacks.  Its really amazing that one day he was this mute of a two year old.  He could barely speak all of, LAST WEEK.  But in this last week he has really began to pick up on the English language.  He mostly enjoys repeating every single word you say. 

Ahh... you are thinking.  Good Luck! Some others are saying.  Yeah. Thanks. Thanks for the heads up.  Because of this new trick, his new favorite saying is, "Shit Head".  I know that as a mother I shouldn't condone such language.. but I have to admit, the immature 23 year old in me thinks its freaking hilarious. 

Yesterday morning at breakfast he wanted  some juice.  My mother told him, "OK Jack, I will get you some juice.. whats the magic word?"

Mind you, he knows his please and thank yous and uses them correctly all the time.  However yesterday morning, for whatever reason, he answered with. 

"Shit Head!"

Monday, March 9, 2009

Therpay Session Included in Tuition Cost...

I went in for an advising session today. I am REALLY thinking about changing my major from Art to English. So, my advisor would be the one that steers me in the correct direction. So I went in to the advising office at 10 am today, the Monday of my Spring Break week. I wasn't the most enthusiastic person in the school, that's for sure.

When I met with my advisor she began to ask me questions.. What do you want to do with your English Major? Being the main question.. I begin laying it out there, "I want get my teachers certification and I am just not sure that art would be the way to go, I consider myself more creative linguistically than I am when I apply charcoal to a piece of drawing paper."

After some more questions she looks over at me and says, " Ya know. I just don't know if this is the right major for you. You just don't seem to excited about being a teacher. Teachers need to want to make that difference, you just don't have that. Ya know, what is your passion in life?"

Hmm.. my passion... She even said, "What do you secretly want to do with life..when you are sitting at home with no one around, what do you aspire to be in life?"

WOW. That's hard. What I want to do.. sit at home in my big mansion and eat grapes, fed to me by my big muscular cabana boy. But I couldn't possibly let that secret out...not to her. So I told her I love to write. I also love art, but I would love to be a freelance writer or have a blog or online magazine."

This isn't eve the deepest this convo got. We got into my idea of having a child and needing to provide for him before I can achieve my own dreams. What I want out of school. What she sees me doing in life. And let me just say that everything she was saying, really hit the nail on the head. It was exactly what I wanted to do.

I really just wanted to be laying on a couch, box of tissues in hand, spilling out why I am the person I am. Really, she brought that out in me.

I left that advising meeting, truly excited about school again. I am excited to have a path now. To know that I am going into the right direction for me.

I am SO glad that she brought to my attention that there was no fire behind my eyes. Because there isn't. There IS NONE. I have no idea what direction I am going.. I really feel like I am floating in academia. With no clear cut idea of who I am or where I am going.

Thank goodness for that advising session today... really, because I kind of feel a spark again.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Goal SET

So... I was trying on dresses the other day and was just totally disgusted by my body image. SO... I made a goal. It is set. And I will be documenting it on here, to keep me nice and motivated.

Its called :
I plan on losing 24 lbs. by the time I hit the age of 24. My birthday is June i have about 4 months. Its attainable right? Well even if I don't reach the 24 goal...the fact that I want to make this healthy lifestyle choice is good.
I figure, I am 23. I am young. I don't need health issues. I am in my prime. This is when I need to look and feel my best. ya know? Therefore, I want to do this..but not only for myself but for my son too.. He deserves to have a mommy that will be around forever and that can keep up with his shenanigans.
So there you go... Keep me motivated!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Life update:

In the boy department- Things got a little interesting there for awhile.. interesting and super confusing. Trying to get over one guy, meeting another, liking the other, then having one come back to me. I was in quite a whirlwind for awhile and it quite honestly has not subsided completely. It began to affect my school work, which stinks! NO boy(besides Jack) should have that effect on me. ugh.

School department- I am STRUG-A-LING. I don't know what it is about this semester above all others that I am just completely unmotivated. I have a lot more time to go... I find myself not interested at all in my major and am really contemplating switching. BUT that would add on another semester or two.. so who knows.. maybe I can major in art with a minor in English? I shall find out...This semester's schedule is also difficult. I have no time to work and an 8:00 am class is difficult to get to.

Jack department- He is starting to talk a lot more. He likes to mimic you and say what you say. I can no longer say, "Hot Damn! Mother Fucker" Like I usually do. Kidding...I don't really say that, but if I did he would too..
He is also very into punching and kicking right now. He also has realized that certain facial expressions crack me up! Therefore he does them, all the time. Maybe he will grow up and fulfill my life long dream of becoming a comedian..

Why you laughing? Am I not funny?

Fish department- Elmo is holding on strong.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

R.I.P. Elmo Escobar

Got a fish on Sunday. It is now Wednesday. We noticed last night that it was floating on the top of the tank...but he was still gulping in air. I changed his water and fed him. I felt for the little fella. Jackson thinks he was sleeping.

How do you explain death to a 2 year old? Answer: You don't. They are just going night night.

So..if you are dead by the time I get home, RIP little one. You were loved more than you know.
P.S. Does anyone find it odd that I can keep a human being alive and well for two years but cant keep a goldfish alive for three days?

Monday, February 16, 2009

A little Life Update

So after much consideration... I pondered on the idea for over an hour, I have decided to go forth with changing my major, once again. I love art, I really do. I also love that I am more creative than I am logical. But sitting in unnecessary design and drawing classes, just doesn't really get my creative juices a-flowin.

I am going to switch over to an English major with an emphasis in creative writing. I think I write a heck of a lot better than I can draw. I am a tad nervous about the switch though. This means that I get to add almost a year onto my college career. Which blows...but might as well get what I really want out of it.

Valentines was this weekend and it rocked...literally. I made a good dinner, spent it with people I love and then rocked out hard on rockband. My life long dream of being a lead singer of a rock band has totally been fulfilled. Even if it was only for a weekend and in the midst of friends and family only. P.S. I am a BAD ASS on the MIC.

Jackson has been good.. we just got him a fish yesterday. His name is Elmo. I say he, like I know fish anatomy...
I set up his tank yesterday.. he is a cute little fellow.. orange and black.

I was doing some homework and Jack wanted to look at Elmo up close so I put a chair up to the counter top. Next thing I know he said, "Eat!" I look up and there was fish flakes ALL over the counter and a mound of it floating in water... He could have killed poor Elmo. He just wanted his fish to be obese....He isn't an animal killer, promise.

That is all.. I have been super consumed with life and everything it has to offer right now. Sorry for the hiatus...You may now return to your everyday life.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Guess What He Is Doing....

If you guessed dancing to Beyonce's "Single Ladies", then you guessed RIGHT!
I dont know how he knows the song, but here he was singing and dancing away. Right after this video came Kanye West "Heartless" and he was singing to that too... You can tell what we listen to in the car. haha

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"Hope Over Fear"

I'm not sure if it was the speech that gave me chills or rather just being in the moment. This is one of those days I will think back and remember where I was. Unfortunately, I was driving in my car on the way to work.. not so romantic, but still astounding none the less. I HOPE that his actions are stronger than his words and I HOPE for new beginnings. Obama! Obama!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Dear Jackson,

It seems as though the month of January has brought more things than just a new president of the United States. You have fully grasped what it means to be 2. And you seem to want to live being 2, to its fullest.

You love to manhandle the dogs. Your personal favorite is Coco. I think it is because she is the smallest, its apparently human nature to pick on the runt of the group. Every morning you wake up crying out for her or Sissi (Pixie). I think its a love/hate relationship. You love to pull her tail and she hates you.

You have also been very interested in yelling in my face. This is fun..NOT. When I tell you no, you tell me no back. When I tell you to go to time out, you tell me no. When I pretty much tell you to do anything, you tell me no. Yeah, this has got to stop. I'm the only one disciplining you, get used to it..I'm all you got.

You are also very curious lately. Touching, pulling, tasting, yanking EVERYTHING in sight. You mostly like to do it after I tell you not to, and you LOVE to do it when I am looking directly at you. It brings you such a thrill.

But just so you know.. that even though you can irk me more than once a day, that I love you dearly. All you have to do is laugh and it makes me give in . So keep laughing.. keep living.. but please stop licking everyone. That's kinda weird..not gonna lie.


Your Mommy

Friday, January 16, 2009


Ahhh the wise words of Dwight Schrute has stuck me to the core once again. I think I will be singing this little diddy to Jackson every night...

FOUND IT! Click it!

Learn Your Rules

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Education is Key

So I started another chapter in my life this year...its actually a chapter that was on a To Be Continued type of pause. But exciting none the less. I started school... I know you are thinking, umm haven't you been at school for the past two years? Yeah I have. But this is a real life university. Heck yeah!

Somethings I have learned so far:

1. I stare at people. All the freaking time and get caught. It is kinda embarrassing. You think I would learn the first time..but nope.. I keep on staring.

2. My 2D teacher looks like a Simpson character. Preferably Mr.Burns when he was about 25.

3.Parking sucks at all school campus...always upgrade to premium parking.

4.Research a little about your campus so you don't look like a moron, aka like me.

5. Undergrad class times suck.

6. I have Adult ADD and cannot sit for long periods of time without moving.

That's all for now.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ray of Sunshine

Some days I feel as though life is at a stand still. That there are all types of things going on around me and I just cant seem to catch on to any of it. Kind of like I keep getting stuck at all the red lights. Or like the tickets run out right when I get to the front to buy one. Does that make any sense?

I got stopped today while I was pumping gas and this complete stranger told me that I looked really fun. That, because I was laughing at a hilarious text message, that I was going to have a good day. That he wished he had someone like me, to bring light into his day, everyday. Nice huh?

I really, couldn't help but laugh, because I mostly feel like the little grey rain cloud that follows people around, and here was this complete stranger that said I was rather a ray of sunshine. Really?

I don't know if its the lack of spontaneity that is missing. Or perhaps the feeling of always being inadequate. Whoa, I bet you didn't know you were signing up for my own personal therapy session...

I guess I just feel that I am not living the life I signed up for. Everyone has pitfalls, road blocks, diversions. I guess I am just in need of something new. If I wasn't totally against it at the moment, this is where I would usually insert a new daring haircut.

So I am ready world.. bring it on.. something new. Something engaging and excited. Bring. It.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Lessons Learned


I will say that I told him, "No Sir!" after that first picture was taken.. he then proceeded onto what you see in the after photo. Just no that no one was hurt in the process of these pictures. His head was extracted in no time.. and he will not be doing that again.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Jack in Pictures

Thank goodness for my iPhone because I capture quite a bit of funny things that my two year old painting his own toes. You saw, you know what I mean. Here are a few more that I uploaded earlier and couldn't help showing you all.

Here is Jack showing off his barbie in his diaper. I mentioned in another blog post that he likes to do this for some reason...he thinks its where it goes. Question..Why does he think it goes there? Bigger Question..Why does my son have a barbie?
This is the awesome train set that Santa brought him. I brought it upstairs to his room and put it together for him on his train table. It took me an hour of blood, sweat and tears to get that thing together.. took him 2 seconds to destroy it all. At least I have a picture to prove that it was together...once.

Here he is in his car seat.. we were waiting in the car at IHOP because the wait was 20 minutes...This was the only way to keep him content..fill him with sugar.

Here he is watching Oswald or Barney or get the idea. I thought it was a perfect quiet, rare, moment. Excuse my messy room.

Last, but not is Jack making a dirt angel at a local restaurant. I love how the picture I am casting looks like the Virgin Mary... I call this master piece, "Fallen Angel".

Two Year Olds Are AWESOME

My son found his calling. Good thing is, it involves wearing a mask and gloves. He wanted to practice on himself before embarking his new talent on the world.

I know you are probably thinking surgeon or something awesome like that...but nope,

its Nail Technician....

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year's Yall!!!

So I rang in the new year with some friends over a couple hundred beers. I journeyed to the middle of my downtown chaos and braved the crowds. Needless to say, I ingested way too much Dos XX and I am paying the price today. I am ringing in 2009 with a headache, exhaustion and a tummy ache.

But its okay.. hope everyone out there in Internet land had a happy and safe new years. Here is what I hope 2009 brings.

1. I hope I continue to make good grades. I really need to get into the teachers certification program... I need ALL A's!

2. I want Jackson the Terrible to realize that being bad sucks and listening to mom totally rocks.

3. I want to eat less cookie dough and more raw vegetables.

4. I want to be content in whatever relationship I am in..whether it be with someone else or with myself.

5. I want to be healthy. This means I need to work out... and quit eating the crap.

6. I need to save save save... I have to get my own place soon.. jeez I am almost 25. Which is almost 30. Most people have their shit together by 30.. I hope to fit in with the norm.

7. I want to grow my hair out. Which means I need the strength to not cut my hair.

8. I need to yell less.. its not healthy. The stress level I have is just not healthy people.

9. I want to begin to potty train Jack. This diaper thing has got to stop. NOW. 3 diapers a day, everyday for the past 25 months... that's approx. 2250 diaper changes. That is just crazy.

10. I also want to sleep train Jack. Enough sleeping in MY bed.

So those are my 2009 resolutions.

Now here are some things I learned in 2008..(thanks Natalia)

1. Good friends are good for the soul. They keep you grounded.

2. Gallbladders are unnecessary and should be removed before they cause pain that reaches level 10 on the pain scale. My face totally looked like that smiley face on the chart.

3. If there is a bar within 10 feet from a Walmart, do not expect the atmosphere to be any more awesome than a Walmart at 3:00 am. Including little babies with no shoes.

4. My car likes to suck at life and it does it oh so well.

5. Never quit going to school after High School. If you do and then go back, you feel like a total loser.

6. Sarah does have big boobs.

7. I think living with someone should be an essential first step before marriage.

8. Its ok to be comfortable in your own skin. Even if that skin has numerous stretch marks.

9. Smoking mass amount of marijuana as a teenager will totally effect you later on in life. wait...whats that word I am looking for?

10. In my vast search for finding a boy that will love me unconditionally for who I am and not who they want me to be, I was foolish... he has been here all along and his name is Jackson.

Happy New Year everyone!!
