Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pour Me A Glass of Your Finest Wine

My childcare lady is closed this whole week. It's her vacation..she only does this once a year. She has 3 kids 4 and under...I don't blame her taking a week off. So I have to come up with creative ways to spend the day with Jack that or find him a sitter. Today I had no luck finding a sitter so I figured we could have Jack and Mommy day. Sounds fun huh?

First off, I woke up in a terrible mood at 6:30 am. I was at Roland's and decided I needed to just go home. I woke up Jackson and left at the same time he was leaving for work. Jack usually goes back to sleep on the way home but not this day. Not on Jack and Mommy day! He decided to stay up and wake up my mom. I tried to fake sleep for about 2.5 hours but it didn't work.

I wanted to get our festivities on at about 11 am. Well...11 am rolls around and I am still dragging ass with a whiny 2.5 year old following me around. Not a good mixture. Especially for someone who is PMSing...

I had to rush a sack lunch to my sister up at her school, I took Jack with me. He ended up passing out in the car. Sweet. He needed a nap BAD. He ended up sleeping for about 1 hour. Not enough time apparently...

He woke up and my mom and I were starving. We went to a local burger joint. Jack acted like a 2 year old on crack. He wouldn't leave the poor people in the booth behind us alone. They seemed like real toddler-lovin people...NOT! My mom also dropped her chalupa and managed to fling gobs of lettuce and tomato at my face. Awesome!

We decided to take Jack to the movies to see Ice Age 3. It was a bit of an experiment. How long can the sugared up 2 year old stay still and quiet at that. The kid cant even do this in his sleep. I don't know why we thought he would at the movie. So Hypothesis: 2.5 year old will not sit still during movie. Before the movie even started he managed to fall on top of his head and get a huge bump on his forehead. He was more intrigued with the projection machine then the show. Needless to say, we ducked out about an hour into the movie. That was a $47 experiment. Hypothesis proven true.

We ended up heading to Target. I wanted a book and needed diapers. I didn't have any diapers with me. Jack had been doing very well at telling me when he needed to go potty so at Target I took his off. (Future BIG mistake) Target ended up not having my book..neither did any of the Barnes and Nobles in the area. Its a popular one! I asked Jack 100000 times if he needed to go potty..always answered back with a No Mommy.

We get home..finally. I find out that my trunk window on my SUV is broken and wont close. Sweet huh? We step inside..there is almost light at the end of the tunnel.. I pull of Jacks shorts to put him in a pull up.. He pooped his pants. But he had sat on me first. Cool! Poop on my leg!

After a bitch fest and throwing Jack into the tub, I reallllly had to pee. I plopped on the pot and guess who decided to visit...Yup, Aunt Flo. That was the cherry on top!

Needless to say, I'm enjoying a BIG glass of wine while my child is eating leftovers and watching Dora. I'm definitely NOT made to be a stay at home mom.


Anonymous said...

Waw Waw, you're preaching to the choir. All Mommy's have these days, so cheer up... you're in good company.

PS - He wasn't that bad. He's 2!!

LU, Mom

Katy Shamitz said...

I'm having such a day. My kids are both in Jennie's crib. I am downstairs eating cherries reading your blog. We all need a minute.

MarionR said...

Had a few days like this, except they were at work and I couldn't get the Big Kids to stop. Nor could I get a nap or big glass of wine, for 6 more hours.
Yup, we all need a minute.

Nana said...

Maegan, you love it and you know it. Jack is just full of energy and he is only two years old. He has people to see and places to go and the movies aren't one of them. Enjoy this because it will all be gone before you know it and you will look back and wonder where these years went.