Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Potty Training Stinks....Literally.

So we began the adventures in potty training about 2 weeks ago. Well, we literally started about 2 months ago, but really started getting into the swing of things these past couple weeks.

You know people are chalk full of advice when you are pregnant. Ya know, "Enjoy your sleep now because you wont sleep for years" or "The newborn stage is the hardest, once you get past that its easy breezy".

I just wanna say...pssssssssh YEAH RIGHT. I think these people forget how hard it is to potty train a human being. A human being with the attention span of a fly. A human being who doesn't grasp the concept that their own poop smells.

But Jackson has been doing pretty good lately. Thanks to the help of his dad. Thank god Roland is there otherwise I'm pretty sure Jack would be in diapers his whole life. I love that Roland gets to swoop in just in time for Jack to poop on the potty and not on his hand...that was saved all for me. yeah.

So, Jack is finally understanding that he needs to tell us when he needs to go. There have been a couple slip ups. Where he says he needs to go, but has already gone. That's ok..that's expected.

Also, I had no idea a person could pee so many times. This then multiplies if we are out in public, for instance at dinner... He must find it amusing to tell us he needs to go potty as soon as we sit down at the table. Then as soon as the food arrives. As soon as we take our first bites. When dinner is over and on our way home. Of course I act like I don't hear so Roland has to take him....What?!? Is that bad? I got pooped on my hand...remember?? Its time to pay your dues Roland.

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