Monday, December 13, 2010

Maegan's Favorite Things

1. Volupsa Candles
I love the scents. I love the packaging. I love it ALL. gimme
gimme gimme!


Love, love, love this store! I could probably spend
hours looking at everything. I love their clothes,
accessories but mostly I love their home decor.
Any time I need home inspiration you can find me
looking at their website.

3. TOM's Shoes

How could you not love these cute shoes? They come in so many different colors and patterns. They add the perfect finishing touch to your jeans and tee's AND they are comfortable. But most important is they are shoes with a cause... with ever purchase they donate a pair to someone in need of shoes. How awesome is that?!? So go buy some and make a difference! You'll thank me later.

4. This website. She is awesome and makes me want to have little parties all the time. I happened upon her website when looking for cute things to do for Jack's birthday party...can't believe my boys is 4!

5. KitchenAid Mixer

How did I survive without this? Really? I am a baking fool now that I have this awesome kitchen staple. Everyone should own one. This green is awesome color too! Mine is white.. but still does the trick!

These are definitely just a handful of things I love. I got this idea from the lovely, Mrs. B over at her blog.. check it out, here *.(click that star :) )

Friday, October 15, 2010

My New Venture

Im in cupcake mode. I have been on. the. go. since I started school. I decided to start a new business while going to school extra full time, ya know keep life interesting.

This means I have had zero time to gather my thoughts and write on my lovely blog. Im actually in the middle of baking two new flavors as I type. Im a multi-tasker!

Back to the grind, gotta ice some cakes. Work is so tough.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Bouncing Baby Boy

Jack, Jack, Jack. I love him..he is my first born and will always hold a special place in my heart. He is however being exceptionally three lately. I don't understand the term "terrible twos". It should be "HORRENDOUS AWFUL TEMPER TANTRUM THREES". He has been home with me everyday this summer. This has proven two things to me.. A) Im not made up for this staying at home mom stuff and B) Jack was born with cotton in his ears, this would explain why I have to repeat myself over and over and over again for him to understand what I am saying.

He has however been a huge help with the much as a 3 year old can help. He is awesome at throwing away diapers. He loves his baby sister with a deep passion. More so than any sibling i have ever seen. He wants to constantly hold her and kiss her, its kinda cute. Something I will be reminding him when she is 13 and wants to tag along where ever he goes.

Just the other night I was re-tucking him into bed, he always looks so peaceful when he sleeps. So peaceful that just by the looks of him you would never suggest that he just got finish running a moc, creating a cloud of chaos where he ran. He slept with me for the first 2 years of his life so I decided to slip into bed with him for a little bit and snuggle. I whispered into his little ear, "Goodnight baby". He responded, " Goodnight mommy". Then I whispered, " I love you" and he replied so quiet and sleepily, "Mommy".."Yes, son".. " My butt itches"

Awe. So sweet. He is definitely a boy.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Love Story PART II

How many people in your life time tell you that your love story would make for a good movie or novel? We get this a lot. I find it somewhat humorous. I mean yes, I believe my little love history has some unique qualities but I don’t think I see Julia Roberts playing me anytime in the future. More like Scarlet Johansen…just sayin..

So I left off with love at first sight. Well it was somewhat that…Did I think I was going to marry this clueless bartender? No. I just thought I’d flirt a little and get my friend and me some FREE illegal drinks. Hah! Well it worked. Men are so easy. Helpless…and easy.

I ended up chatting it up with him in between his other customers. I remember feeling a twinge of jealousy if he sparked a conversation with another female in there. But you never show that up front ladies. Always reel in the boys before showing your true colors..then they are less likely to think you are completely crazy. Kidding..kinda.

He came to my friend and mine’s rescue at one point when an overly obnoxious guy from Boston tried to pick us up. I wanted to scream at him, “Hey Boston Rob! Back off, I’m 20!” But that wouldn’t have worked, our cover would have been blown. The fact that he took the time to shoo off creepazoid sparked my interest even more. A man that comes to my rescue? It completely felt Damsel in Distress-esque.

My friend and I ended up going to that little hole in the wall bar for the rest of the week. One night this cute bartender and I got to really talk because the place was dead. I believe he actually ended up closing the place and it was just us. Talking. Him telling me about his past..his family..You know, getting to know each other. Looking into each other’s eyes. I believe we sneaked in our first kiss at this point. There may or may not have been some alcohol involved with this scenario. A lot of it.

I will let your imagination take it from here. Let’s just say it was the first and last time I snuck out of someone’s apartment at 7 am, leaving them a note. WHAT?! I was YOUNG…SPONTANEOUS…STUPID..Don't do’s really bad.

Needless to say that was one of the last times I saw that cute bartender. I was too embarrassed with how I handled myself to want to see him again. I was a good girl. Not a slut. This was not a typical situation for me to be in. Scared, I ended up famously taking the morning after pill(just in case) and wrote this guy out of my life for good. I even deleted his number from my phone….

Monday, June 28, 2010

Love Story PART I

I'm lucky for fate. Thankful for it. It's practically what I owe my life to. It was fate that led me to love. Well, Smirnoff had a bit to add to the beginning but fate took over from there.

Four years ago, my best friend was coaxing me to go out with her. I didn't want to at the time because I was too busy drowning in my own problems. Boy problems to say the least...they are center of all young females problems aren't they? But I obliged to her coaxing when she said the bartender was cute. My thinking at the time? If one doesn't like me, than on to the next. This, I believe, should be all young females way of thinking. Don't waste your time on silly boys...

So off we went. It was this little hole in the wall place on a side of town I didn't really frequent. But the catch was they didn't ask for I.D.s..this was important since I was only 20.

We walked in and sat down like old pros. Then he walked up and asked what we'd like.

Yup..this is my love story. I met my one and only at a smoke filled bar. Not only that but he was the bartender. I love that people have such negative connotations with meeting your true love at such a dirty place. But I owe my life to that hole in the wall.

What struck me first about him were his eyes and his smile. Then he turned around...his butt was a cherry on top. I knew as soon as I laid eyes on him that he would be a love interest of mine someday.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Feliz Cumpleanos

I'll reach a quarter of a century old tomorrow. I'm not sure how I feel about this milestone. Can I still say I'm in my early twenties? or is this considered mid-twenties? Wow. 25..I'm gonna embrace it. BRING IT ON 25. I can take it!

I hope that the next 5 years that leads me to 30's door can be as eventful and amazing.

Since turning 20, a lot of wonderful things have happen to me.

I had the man of my dreams:

I met & married the man of my dreams:

We added the cherry on top with this sweetness:

I've had my sweet moments, my stupid moments, my ignorant moments, my enlightening moments...I would never trade a single of those in for something else.

I love my twenties so far...if the 30's are better than I welcome them. I cant imagine life getting anymore blissful than this.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

After Baby Blues

Must eat this:

To look like THIS:

BUT...I eat this:

And look like this:

Mr. O and I start P90X on Monday. For real this time...It's been sitting in the box on our bed for 9 MONTHS. I've had an excuse..I've been pregnant. Him not so much..he was just reaping the benefits of having a pregnant wife, i.e. increase amount of cookies in the household.

I have a personal trainer that I will be seeing twice a week. I am also signing up for a marathon which is in November. Since having Baby O I have ran a total of 3/4 mile AND it kicked my ass.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wow. Who Knew?

Who knew that life with two kids would be so much different than life with one? It's been awhile since my last update. Sorry about got in the way.

So updates..

Jack just finished his first year of school. He is now stuck at home with me doing nothing. I am currently trying to come up with free ideas that keep him busy. Keyword being FREE. Kids are kinda expensive and so are their activities. That's enough to keep you non preggos on some birth control!

We also wrapped up his first soccer season. 2010 marks another milestone: I became an official soccer mom this year. I loved watching him play. He isn't an overly aggressive child. He seems to be more of a "Make love, Not war" type a person. He would run amongst the other kids, acting as if he was trying to get the ball but would never truly reach out and take it. He also mostly pranced up and down the field. Any time he would be in possession of the ball he would run off the field and give Ro and I a high five. He is hilarious.

Olivia is already hitting the 2 month mark this Saturday. I cannot believe its been two months. She has the life I want. Eats, sleeps, poops. Ah...Heavenly right? I'm pretty sure I gave birth sloth.

A cute sloth.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I had a baby...

First night into the world

Proud Big Brother with his new Baby Sister

It's been awhile since my last update. I didn't think anyone was reading until my grandma emailed me to update this thing.

On April 12 at 11:18 am my family and I were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. Olivia was welcomed into this world with open arms. I really haven't been able to put her down since. I can't believe its been two weeks already.

I went into labor on April 11. My husband and I decided, after counting contractions for 2 hours, to head up to the hospital even though I was 3 weeks early. I was admitted at 12 am and after two failed epidural, I pushed her out almost twelve hours later. Despite her long labor, I adored her as soon as she was placed on my chest.

She weighed a whopping 6 lbs. 4 oz. and was 18 1/4 in. long.

Everyday has been an adventure with her even though all she does is SLEEP. I'm trying something new with her that I didn't do with Jack and that is....BREAST FEEDING. Don't let anyone tell you that its easier. I have been struggling with it since DAY 1. But its Day 16 and we are still going strong..and she is growing so I'm doing something right! So no more pregnancy it will be a breast feeding blog. Kidding..

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

So....Im gonna have a baby

Yeah. You read that right. I'm having a baby and soon. Went to my doctor this morning and I'm already 3 cm. dilated. That's exciting news for pregnant women to hear when they are ending their blissful pregnancy and are in the miserable phase.

If she decides to keep baking for the next couple weeks, she will be manually evicted on April 28. So either way I'm having an April baby..yay!

Now its really time to get Jack prepared. We have been extremely open about everything going on. He helped with her room. He has picked out stuff for her. We even got him a book about being a big brother.

I'm actually amazed at how into it he is. He really loves babies. He will go up to random babies all the time to see and touch's pretty cute. I for one think he will be an awesome big brother.

I cannot wait to be holding both my babies! I can wait to change poop diapers, but guess that comes with having a baby eh? Just when I was done wiping other people's butts....

Monday, April 5, 2010

36th week

I am going crazy. The End.

Really though..Thank God we are not elephants and have to be pregnant for 2 years. I'd never have children.

I'm just so irritable lately. I think I'm getting restless leg syndrome. I cant stop contracting. I contract EVERYDAY..Some bad some not so bad. My feet hurt. My hips hurt. My head hurts. My husbands ears hurt from me bitching so much. We are ALL ready.

Come on Baby O! We are anxiously awaiting your arrival.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sweet Dreams

Pregnancy dreams have to be the craziest. I often wake up in the middle of a night after an elaborate pregnancy dream and think, "Hot Damn! I should write that down. That would make a crazy movie and me, millions..." Of course writing those dreams down isn't the top priority when I wake up. Its more of pushing myself to a sitting position and waddling to the bathroom as fast as I can in the dark. An impossible feat, I should be rewarded for my agility at 3 am.

Anyways...lately I have been having dreams about our impending arrival. They usually take place after labor. I'm usually holding my little babe wrapped up all snug in her blanket.

But something weird happened last night. That reminded me of another dream I had back in August. So let me rewind to August's dream, this was pre-wedding and pre-baby...

I had a dream that my mother was watching my kids and I had to meet them at the store to pick them up. Jack was about five or six years old. He was lanky but looked the same. Then there was an addition, in case you didn't pick up on the fact that I typed kids, There was a little girl. She was walking already so about 1.5 or two years old. She was wearing long shorts and a strappy shirt. She had her curly blond hair up in a messy ponytail, typical of most two year olds. My mom had one on each hand and was bringing them towards me.

This dream was so vivid. It didn't involve anything crazy, but I distinctly remember that image. I woke up and told my now husband. He laughed saying it would come true someday. I laughed and said, like hell it wont. Guess he knows better than I. I shared the dream with my mom she laughed and said it better not come true anytime soon..

Well, little did we all know that God had other plans. He knew exactly what was going on and I like to think he gave me a little glimpse into my future.

So last night I had a wasn't too crazy like most of my dreams have been. But it was vivid. It took place at my mom's house and lo and behold had that same little girl. She was reaching for some juice on top of the counter top.

I'm wondering if she is going to look ANYTHING like this little one in my dreams.

I never doubt the power of some dreams. Some are just crazy and no matter how much you try to make sense out of it you won't. Like the one the other day where my breast milk turned to red kool-aid. I'm sure you cant look that up in the dream dictionary.

Monday, March 22, 2010

33 weeks 6 days

I've got about about 6 weeks. Well, 6 weeks tomorrow. I cant believe it!

But really...I'm getting miserable. More and more and more each day. You really forget how trying this last month is. The entire pregnancy is like running a marathon, this last month being the half that burns the most but you know if you keep running there is the finish line straight ahead.

We have a 3D ultrasound tomorrow..last time we went she was so breeched the tech couldn't get a picture. She better have flipped..that's all I'm saying. If not then I am curious as to what is giving me so much pressure in the hoo hah. Yeah. I just called my vagina a hoo hah.

Also, whats with the incredible nesting urge? It was enjoyable at first...but now my house just doesn't even come close to looking clean to me. I once used to sweep shit under the rug and not feel bad. Now I have sweep everything up and vacuum that same damn rug and make sure every string is pointed correctly. grrrrrrrrr.

I can no longer take a bite of anything without instant heartburn. It's crazy. Who knew that milk could give you heartburn?

Plus, the worst thing..I'm walking like a damn penguin, er Waddling, like a damn penguin. I could seriously get the lead role in March of the Penguins II.

ok off to bed. Time to get at least 4 hours of interrupted sleep.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Baby O's Nursery

I never really got a nursery with Jack. He shared a room with me at the time so we just painted my room and put up his crib. Exciting, but not the same...

Today my aunt and grandma came over and with some help of my husband, we completely repainted her room and put everything in it's place. Everyone is accusing me of nesting...guess so. This is a good sign right? Sign that she is ALMOST here?

Everything looks absolutely perfect. I cannot wait for her to see it. Here are some pictures. It is still lacking some art work. I'm gonna be searching the Etsy pages to pick the perfect pictures to tie it all together.

Here are some pictures of the finished product. The color, which is hard to see in the pictures, is called Ballet White. It is a mixture of white & pink...I love the little hint of pink it gives, definitely not overkill.

Everything is done now all we need is her. :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Stick A Fork In Me

Last night was the labor portion of our birthing class. As an introduction, we had to say who we were, our doctor and an adjective describing how we felt.

Mine was DONE. Husband agreed...he's done too. This adjective meant more things than one. I'm done with being pregnant. I'm done with having kids and husband is done with me complaining. My list of complaints right now is far too long to blog about.

Now don't get me wrong. I think pregnancy is a beautiful thing. I consider myself extremely lucky to experience this miracle..I mean think about it, I'm growing a HUMAN. I can't even grow a plant. But I'm growing a human that will breathe and think and walk all on its own. She will even go onto being President of the United States one day. Just throwing the high expectations out now....

And while I love that we women get this super amazing gift...I'm just done.

I'm 33 weeks today. I have 7 more to go until my due date. This is considering she didn't get the eviction notice. She has about 30 days to make an appearance or else.

It's strange though...I was taking a shower earlier and it really came to me that I'm getting close to the end. I can see the finish line. The proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. If only she would drop a little, then I would finally be able to breathe.

I think more than anything, more than being done with being pregnant. I'm really anticipating holding my little girl. I'm done holding her in my belly...I'm ready to hold her in my arms.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring Has Sprung

Today marks the first day of Spring Break. Jack is off of school from now until March 22. Please help me find the strength...KIDDING

I'm looking forward to our mommy and Jack time, this is his last vacay until baby sister comes. I'm trying to come up with different activities for us to do. So far we went to the bank, got my car washed and went to Sonic. You know, what every kid wants to do on their Spring Break.

Right now he is taking a nap...mommy's favorite part of Spring Break. Kidding, again!

The weather is amazing here. Its sunny and so spring like. It makes me want to go to the lake or the beach. Think I could go down to South Padre Island and fit in? I don't think I'd stick out at all amongst the 1000s of skinny college girls..what do you think?

Hubby and I had a doctor's appointment last Wednesday. All looks good with Baby O. Heartbeat was nice and strong AND I have only gained 26 lbs total. This is quite the accomplishment. By this time with Jack I had gained over 40 lbs. and was still going... I'm actually really surprised. I've been eating like CRAZY. Not only have I been eating, but I have been thinking about food Facebook status' have been nothing but food related. I just noticed this embarrassing. to get a cookie.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

32 weeks

Today marks my 32nd week of being pregnant. Amazing if you ask me. Amazing that I've been a vessel for human growth, amazing that I made it to 32 after the scare at 29 and amazing that I haven't had a beer since August. I want one so bad. I swear I'm not an alcoholic, but now that its getting warm, a nice cold one sounds delish.

Last night hubby and I started our Labor classes. Unfortunately, the nurse who does the labor portion of the series was sick so they started it with the "What to do with a Newborn" class. The class we would have probably skipped..I think we both have changed our fair share of diapers.

So we sat through a 4 hour refresher course. Learned how to bathe, feed, swaddle and care for a newborn. As we were dressing our baby doll it really hit me. We are going to be doing this for real in a couple weeks. I'm gonna be honest, I panicked a little.

Lately, we have been wondering how this new child will fit into our family. How is Jackson going to take it? He seems excited now but that's because he isn't sharing our attention yet. We wonder how we will discipline a girl compared to a boy and have plenty of what if questions.

These next 8 weeks should fly by...I have my baby shower this Sunday. Exciting! Plus a lot of activities lined up for my little man. Well they better fly by, these baby kicks are getting extremely painful.

Friday, March 5, 2010

March Madness

This month is going to be so busy. Every single weekend we have something planned. But I'm looking at this as a plus since it will make this month go by faster. We are starting off this weekend with a much needed date night. It will more than likely be our last, so we are gonna take full advantage of it.

Tomorrow morning we have our 3D/4D Ultrasound scheduled. I'm SO excited to see Baby O again.

Next week we begin our labor classes. I know hubby is REALLY looking forward to these! Not...

We have doctor appointments every other week...I have my BABY SHOWER!!! next Sunday.

Hubby starts softball once a week...good timing huh? And Jack starts soccer...

Spring Break, which means I will have Jack alllllll week. I need to come up with some fun activities to keep him busy, plus it will give us some bonding time before his sister comes.

All this while I try my hardest to keep this little baby baking.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

31 weeks 1 day

I cannot believe I have about 9 weeks left in this pregnancy. I am trying to enjoy it the best I can since it will be MY LAST. I finally got my husband to agree that this is our last kid.

I've been nesting I think.. I never did it with Jack so I have no idea what it's like. We received a lot of hand me downs this last weekend so I have been washing and meticulously folding it all and putting it away for future use. I am quite amazed at my organizational skills. I never thought that Maegan and Organized would be used in the same sentence.

Husband and I start our labor classes next week. They are once a week for the next four weeks. I've already been to them, but he hasn't. I want him to be as prepared as possible. But he seems to hold up well in emergency situations so I am not to concerned with him. I wanted a refresher course. Not that I will remember a thing the lady tells me.. when that baby wants out you push, that's pretty much all you need to know about labor.

I read somewhere that I should begin massaging my perineum with olive oil now. It helps with the stretching down there and makes the baby easier to come out.. I read how to do it and it really weirds me out. I have been joking with my hubby that he needs to get on that, he flat out refuses. I don't blame him.. I wouldn't massage anything his butt hole to help anything come out smoother.. I'm gonna vomit.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Aaccchoooooooooooooooooooooo! I've been sick for the past 2 days. I'm freaking miserable. Just one more thing to deal with...Doesn't the big man up there know I have things to do? Have mercy on my husband.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

It's Finally Sinking In

Recent happenings have kicked our baby planning into full gear. We have been reminded everyday that there is indeed a baby on the way, one glance at my full belly and you get it. But I don't know if we were thinking that in a couple weeks the baby will be here. Outside the womb. At our house. A full blown baby..know what I mean?

So we decided to put together her room this weekend. Just in case...

The crib has been sitting in her room, in a heap, staring at us in the face. Anyone truly enjoy putting a crib together?! Ugh. Then hubby cleared the other junk that has been piling up. See, this room has been a bit of a storage space. Turning it into a usable baby room will be fun. And by fun I mean daunting.

I went shopping today and got a crib mattress and some fitted crib sheets. This one in particular:
Just the sheet though..not the whole set.

I also got some items I needed for my hospital bag.

This is getting so real. Hubby and I stood back and looked into the room today. I think I had to hold him up for a bit. It sunk in with him, come to think about it, he's been rather quiet ever since. It's finally sinking in.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Kissing My Owies

Jackson definitely knows that something is up with mama, but doesn't quite understand what. Shit, I don't even understand....

When he visited me in the hospital we pretty much told him that mommy had an owie. It worked.

Monday he was so excited to see me at home when he got back from school. I was sitting on the couch that night and he came to give me a kiss. I went to stand up immediately after the kiss and he said,

J: "Mommy, you're all better!"
M: "Yeah, Mommy does feel better."
J: "I kiss you and you stand up. See, all better!"

If it were only that easy my sweet Jack...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 1-Bed Rest

I've been laying in bed since last night. Until now..I have ventured to my couch. Needed a change of scenery.

So far I have:
-ate a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios
-watched t.v.
-emailed Dave Ramsey
-checked Facebook
-made lunch (Peanut Butter & Jelly, Raisins and Puffy Cheetohs)
-got dizzy, so I laid back down
-freaked out by the dizziness..called hubby
-He came home :)
-fell back asleep
-ate a granola bar
-Jack came home, this gave me some energy..
-Cuddled and watched cartoons with Jack in bed
-Internet guy came by and installed our wireless
-sat on couch and wrote new blog post

It has been a thrilling day. About as thrilling as it is to read this post. I haven't had to take my terbutaline pills at all. So that's good!

But I'm pretty upset I'm missing out on some San Antonio snow and IHOP's national pancake day. I missing out on a free short stack, wtf?!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sign of things to come?

These past three days have been extremely.....interesting. Being cooped up in a hospital room was not quite what I had in mind for this last weekend.

It all started Saturday night. I had just gotten back from a fun filled day of taking my maternity pictures, AWESOME! Might wanna check her amazing work here: Angela M Photography
Then went shopping and had lunch with my mom. We only hit up a couple stores because I wasn't feeling all that hot.

I got home and put some PJs on, typical protocol for when I walk in my front door, then snuggled up to my man on the couch. We were planning a big Saturday night for us these days, ya know, put the kid to sleep and watch a movie. Big Saturday out!

I noticed that I started having contractions...I just blew them off as Braxton Hicks contractions(fake contractions). I looked at the hubby and said,"Ya know? I get these a lot when I sit on this couch. I think I'm gonna try and lay down in bed to get them to go away." He was disappointed we were missing our home date but clearly understood. I laid down for a couple minutes when the suckers started to HURT. WTF? I was 29 weeks and 4 days. Not supposed to have labor pains..I began to time them. Something I haven't done up until that moment..They were about 7 min. apart. No bueno. We made a call to the Dr. and he pretty much told us to get my happy butt to the hospital. Awesome! not.

I was convinced it was nothing..even on the way up to the hospital I was making comments to my husband, "It's nothing, the nurses are gonna be annoyed with my false labor" or "Watch everything is gonna stop as soon as I get there, making me look like a dummy". Unfortunately it didn't happen like got worse.

I got checked in. They did all sorts of tests. One that proved I was in preterm labor and was already dilated at 1 cm. After that they drugged me up and got me to a labor and delivery room. By this time it was already 1 am. Hubby and I were both wide awake. Sleep was nowhere in our immediate future.

They started me on terbutaline aka this fucking sucks medicine. Doses go as follow: Shot in your arm: 1 for 3 in a row hours, Then 7 every 3 hours, then oral medicine every 4 hours. It makes your heart rate immediately go up for about an hour. Not something that someone with anxiety attacks looks forward to. These nurses thought I was crazy... So I pretty much got NO sleep for oh, 24+ hours. Hubby didn't either, he didn't want to sleep if I wasn't.. Insert Awwws here. But seriously, If it weren't for him I would have been a mess, or more of a mess than I already was.

So here I am. Monday morning. Still at the hospital. Still taking medicine. Still hooked up to an IV. Still mad I missed out on a beautiful Sunday. But happy to say the contractions have subsided and my sweet Baby O is still cooking. Hopefully she will stay put for another month.

So is this a sign of things to come with Baby O? Is she gonna be our difficult one? Or she gonna say "Haha! Got ya!" and stay put 2 weeks longer than her due date AND be over 10 lbs. Oh lord help us.

Friday, February 5, 2010

So it begins

Actually it started a long time ago, pelvic pain that is.

OMG. It feels like I gave birth to a semi truck. Nice mental image huh??

I am really trying hard not to look like a waddling fool, but I really cannot help it. I am waddling with every step. Just call me the human penguin lady.

I tried going to prenatal yoga. I would go religiously at the beginning of this pregnancy so I could avoid this pain. I knew it was inevitable pain since I had it BAD with Jackson. But alas, it has reared its ugly head and is now taking over. It hurts to go to yoga now. It hurts to walk..sit..lay. Anything. I still have 13 weeks of this shiz!

These babies have no idea what we go through...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

27th week

Why is it that I cannot put the fear into my child?

Let me re-phrase that.. I don't want my child to fear me per se, but know that when I, mommy, speak I mean business just like Daddy does. I just don't understand. Growing up, both my parents were easy... They know this. Its not exactly a family secret. I knew that if I whined enough or did things enough that nothing would happen. I wouldn't get spanked, etc. But that is not gonna fly with Jack.

Sorry Mom and Dad! Hindsight IS 20/20

I can tell him 20, 000, 000 times not to jump on the couch and he will do it when he thinks I am not looking. But if daddy says it, he sits there like a perfect little angel. Doesn't even put his feet on the couch. WTF?

What is in men's voices that we women don't have?

I am stern with him and I always follow through.. granite, he may have two or more chances before I really spank his butt. But still! I just don't get it.. gets annoying. I want to be taken serious too, ya know? I wanna feel validated damnit!

on baby news-
I am 27 weeks and according to some publications I am now in my 3rd trimester. Last one! No more trimesters after this.

I gave myself a panic attack yesterday at the thought that there is no turning back now. I have to get this baby out of me somehow. I guess since I know what to expect, I am even more so freaked out about labor. I remember with Jacks, it was a lot easier than I expected. But every labor is different.

Little things like this have been freaking me OUT. Example,

I was doing dishes the other night, Husband watching t.v. (typical), Jack was in bed and the dog was laying at my feet. It was pretty much a calm evening. I thought about the fact that in 13 weeks OR LESS, this quietness will be NON EXISTENT. I will more than likely be pulling out my hair crying in a corner in 13 weeks OR LESS.

But for real, there will be no more quiet evenings. Or quiet mornings. Or non hectic, relaxing days. No more days off consisting of lounging on the couch watching a movie. No more reading a a relaxing book. NO MORE SLEEP.

The very thought makes me think twice about this whole baby stuff. Cant we just give birth to 3 year olds? (shuddddder)

I crawled into bed after my mini panic attack moment and asked hubby if he too was nervous about all that I just mentioned. His answer was quick and precise, "Not At All".

Yeah...we shall see buddy!

Friday, January 29, 2010

My Kind of Nesting

I've been watching a ridiculously large amount of home makeover shows. I'm sure my husband finds this thrilling(NOT!) I am completely in love with the show Color Splash.. I wish that David Bromstad could come and redo my living room and kitchen...ah I would be in HEAVEN.

But I guess I can settle for my husband.. he can take his shirt off while he is working to give it the Bromstad touch.

I really wish I had a huge windfall so I could invest in some bad ass home up dos. Lately this is my list:

  • redo front door. I want to stain it a darker color I think it will be a nice contrast to the blond wood floors we have.

  • Butcher block counter tops. I found the ones I want at IKEA

  • New kitchen appliances. Mainly refrigerator and dish washer.. in stainless steel finish

  • Re-paint kitchen

  • Refinish the kitchen cabinets

  • Paint our master bathroom

  • Turn study/extra room into Baby's room

  • New fence in the back yard.

Is that SO much to ask for?!!? Didn't think so....

Would you categorize this as nesting? or just being plain crazy?

I've also decided that I wanna write. Maybe its a part of this creative bug I got. I want to write a novel. That shouldn't be so hard either right? While maintaining my household and my sanity...also include write best selling novel to the list. I can do it.. I like to keep myself on my toes. Keep life interesting, ya know? Its too short to be unfulfilling.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Taboo Pregnancy Craving

I have really been wanting soft cheeses. Isn't that the weirdest craving? I love me some Gorgonzola and some Feta cheese. Last night I had some goat cheese.. Some people do much worse when they are pregnant.. RIGHT?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

24 weeks and growing...

I'm 24 weeks already, or 6 months. I have 15 weeks and 5 days until my due date but who's counting?

This baby is REALLY starting to kick. After I eat its like I woke a sleeping beast inside me. The hubby and I get a kick(ha! Kick..get it?) sitting back and watching my stomach move all around like an alien is inside me. Its good stuff. Matter of fact it was out entertainment last Friday night. Sad huh?

I've gained 15 lbs. so far. 15. pounds. UGH. That's so much...I really DONT want to gain 53 lbs. like I did with Jack. But I'm on my way! I just cannot get a hold of my eating. Its like my brain just doesn't get it. Immediately after eating anything I HAVE to have something sweet...I've already trained everyone around me. I'm seriously dreading my glucose test next doctors appt.

My tummy is nice and round now. All of the medium maternity gear I bought months ago is starting to fit..even kinda getting tight.

geez....only 15 weeks and 5 days to go........

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Holy Moly its 2010

I haven't blogged in awhile. December was a BIT of a whirlwind. Glad that's over with.

2009 was a CRRRRAZZYY year.. I was kinda sad to see it go. 2010 has a lot to live up to. But I'm sure it will be equally great with the arrival of our baby girl.

We have settled with the idea of having a girl. Everyone is so excited! She even got some gifts this year. We picked a name and we absolutely love it. I'm so excited!

As of today I am 23 weeks into the pregnancy. The baby is a little over a pound and she is moving like crazy. It took my husband FOREVER to feel her kicks but he was finally able to about a week ago. It was a major milestone.

I had a little scare the other day when I fell stomach first outside. Thankfully everything was/is ok.

I cant believe I only have 17 weeks to go...if she is like Jack then maybe only 15? One can hope right?

Jackson is really excited about his impending baby sister. He frequently talks to my belly and most recently tries to see her through my belly button. Its hilarious. He wants to take her on a roller coaster and to a playground at his school. We will see if he is this enthusiastic when we force him to let her tag along when he is 16...