Thursday, March 31, 2011

No bueno

Having a sick baby is about as fun as this.

Livi had a double ear and double eye infection this past week. Mr. O and I have been walking around like zombies.

It started off with a temp. of 103.3 and an abundant of whining. Really I might have wanted to sit through that lecture rather than that again. Poor baby :(

Sunday, March 27, 2011


ok it is time for a new post.. every time I get on here I see that scary picture of me. YIKES!

SO my little one is turning one in a couple of weeks. This is very sad for many reasons.
1. She is growing to quickly.
2. She is our very last.. so last 1st b-day celebrations.
3. Reminds me of how fast time goes and how each day I must cherish it..
4. I am getting older.

We, er I, am in the midst of planning this 1st birthday extravaganza. Her birthday attire is planned out. Her invitations are made. Her menu is planned out. Now we just need to buy everything.

I LOVE planning parties but I hate throwing them. Really I hate cleaning up after everyone.
Our theme for her is PINK.

Everything is going to be pink and girly and yummy. I can't wait!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I'd say it's been one of those mornings. What do you think:

Oh yeah. I'm putting this out there. Way embarrassing..but way worth it to capture how I really feel.

Livi, who is now 10.5 months old, continues to wake up in the middle of the night. Screaming. Bloody murder. NOT FUN.

Most of the time we cannot do anything to soothe her and most of the time we just plop her down in bed with us, which again does not soothe her. Therefore we have a screaming bloody murder 10.5 month old who is now screaming in our ears.

This has been going on for 10.5 months. So let us calculate this.. 10.5 + 9= WAY TOO MANY months of NO SLEEP. I'm tired y'all(my Texan comes out when I'm sleepy)

Sometimes she has what we call moments of insanity because that is what we are both feeling when she does this, she just screams. For what seems like hours. That is so not normal.. or maybe it is, who knows?

All I know is that I wish I drank caffeine on mornings like this. A big ol' cup of Joe sounds amazing right about now.