Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Week 14's Musings

This week has brought some interesting new pregnancy symptoms. I can officially say I had my first off the wall craving. Maybe its not so off the wall to some, but for me it totally is. On Saturday I got the sudden urge that I needed boneless buffalo wings. Had to have them sometime in the near future or else someone was getting hurt. So who must come to the rescue when I get an insta-craving? Why..Mr. O. That's who! He was sent off to Chili's and my craving was met. I love that man.

Heartburn has come on full swing. I thought I was going to breathe out fire the other night. As awesome that would have looked, it didn't feel so hot. Or cold...ya know what I mean.

But one perk! I SWEAR I can feel baby movements. They are tiny still..and they could quite possibly be gas still. But I'm gonna say its Baby O. I can't and can wait for the larger kicks to come.

Mr. O and I find out the gender on December 2. Against Mr. O's wish of course...but once he is going to push out our next child out of any orifice on his body, he doesn't have that big of a say so.

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