Friday, May 29, 2009


There have been some recent drastic changes in our lives the past month or so. Life definitely threw us a curve ball. My happy little world was flipped upside down. Well, you get the picture. Jacks biodad is back in the mix. You heard right. His REAL dad, sperm donor, bio pop, whatever you want to call him.

So while dealing with him and everything that comes along, I have seemingly forgotten about my little ol blog. I missed you Blog!

Thankfully, Jackson is completely unaware of the circumstances and is continuing on his wrecking path, that most two year old energy balls have. Lately he is very interested in copying every word that comes out of your mouth. This includes t.v. shows, music and potty mouths.

He is also very into making up his own songs lately. He has Twinkle, Twinkle down good. So he likes to make songs up about his Mama and Mimi to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle. Usually sounding like this, "Hinkle, Hinkle, wittle stawww, mimi, mimi, mama, mimi". He also loves to play his baby guitar that Andrew bought him. He goes around the house serenading us with various, "Hinkle, Hinkle" renditions. Its very lovely. I need to be sure to take lots of pictures of him doing this, for later when he becomes famous. They can play behind him in a picture montage, right?

My mother also got him some cowboy gear this past weekend. The kit included a cowboy hat, gun and gun holster. Normally I am opposed to guns, but its cute... come on. Look for yourself:

He gallops around the house going, "Giddy Up! Giddy Up! Hi-YA!" That is Hi Ya instead of YEE HAW!

The things 2 years olds come up with.. So that's my little update for my little blog.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Time to make some Moolah its really cheesy, but I entered a contest. Its for a local radio station, but there is MONEY involved. I am always down to earn some extra cash flow..

So go look for me, I am on page 2. The one in the red and white dress... and VOTE FOR ME!

Go to the Hot Mom contest..


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Rocks

To start things off, I need to throw in a late Happy Mother's Day! I'm happy I joined the club 2.5 years ago.. Its been a great day.

This weekend was nice and slow. I didn't go out with friends or anything of that nature. Just stayed home with my son and my man. It was nice if I do say so myself...

But it was definitely needed after the weird week I had. Weird and stressful. And since it was weird and stressful, I noticed my bad food intake went off the charts.

I was a BAD BAD dieter these last 5 days. I need to triple up my workouts, put my workouts on steroids so to say.... I was THAT bad.

On the Jackson side of things, we have begun potty training. I am definitely not forcing the issue, but we are working on it. He walks around naked, gets to wear big boy undies, pull have probably heard the drill. So far so good. He has only had a couple of accidents..but he is still wearing a diaper about 60% of the time. So wish us luck!