Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Puro Exhaustion

If I knew the Spanish word for exhaustion I would have used that instead...but I don't, where is Val when I need her?
Actually exhaustion doesn't even begin to cover it. I am so tired I am not tired anymore. Whatever blew in on Sunday has taken over everyone surrounding me, we are dropping like flies. My poor son doesn't even know what hit him.
I have a feeling it will effect this years Thanksgiving.. I think God is trying to keep me away from food or something. Every time Thanksgiving rolls around something happens. Last year, it was the one thing I looked forward to the most right up there with meeting my son for the first time. Well depends on when you asked me back then, it could have been before meeting him on some days. Well I never got to fully enjoy everything that Thanksgiving had to offer, all 2000 calories of it, because I was having contractions all day. Who can sleep after eating all that turkey, while having contractions? Not me!

Last year I was giving birth to a Turkey, this year I have the worlds worse sinus headache imaginable. ugh. I should take it as a sign and walk away..but not without my damn dinner!

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