Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What To Do...

I have been trying to put my life in order the past couple days... not that it has been out of whack. But I have been trying to figure out which path it is going to go down. Is it going to go towards a successful career of writing and something in art, my two sought after degrees. Or should I switch over to education and try and be a high school teacher and fulfill my desire of being a high school cheerleading coach. Is that super corny? I guess I just had such a horrible coach, I know I could have done 100% better than her, so its always been a dream, a little one, but a dream none the less.

Did I just lose your interest, by mentioning the word cheerleader? That word always seems to make people go pale and lose complete interest in life. I guess they were either jealous of cheerleaders because they never were one, or because the cheerleaders were always the "mean girls" of the school.

I was never like that at all. I was an equal opportunity cheerleader, if I do say so myself. I tried to be friends with everyone from the math club to the student council to choir. I tried not to leave anyone out. Why would you? ya know?

ANYWAYS....Its been interesting. I would love to write.. how awesome would it be to sit at home and be able to work at the same time? Yeah, there are moments when I wish I could be on some deserted island with my laptop typing away...but most of the time I settle for my desk in my two bedroom town home, with my screaming 1.5 year old at my ankles. How could that not sound like paradise?

Thankfully I am only 23 and still have a couple years to figure my life out. Maybe I could be a high school art teacher/cheer coach that also teaches a creative writing course? Or I could be an artist who writes for a cheer magazine? hmm...the possibilities are endless...


Katy Shamitz said...

can you do both?

Anonymous said...

Or maybe you can write fabulous articles for the New Yorker, Time, & CNN while wering your cheerleading outfit? I've still got it boxed away if you need it.

Anonymous said...

you should wear that outfit to bed