Tuesday, June 15, 2010

After Baby Blues

Must eat this:

To look like THIS:

BUT...I eat this:

And look like this:

Mr. O and I start P90X on Monday. For real this time...It's been sitting in the box on our bed for 9 MONTHS. I've had an excuse..I've been pregnant. Him not so much..he was just reaping the benefits of having a pregnant wife, i.e. increase amount of cookies in the household.

I have a personal trainer that I will be seeing twice a week. I am also signing up for a marathon which is in November. Since having Baby O I have ran a total of 3/4 mile AND it kicked my ass.


1 comment:

M said...

LMAO at the photos! Good for you for signing up for a marathon. I wish I had that motivation.

I don't know about you, but I am finding it REALLY difficult to get back in shape this time. After Mason , it was easy. This time, not so much. I actually have to TRY. *cries*

Good luck on your marathon!