Friday, December 12, 2008

My Sister Rocks

My sister is a 15 year old freshman. She had an assignment to write a poem for her AP English class... I know she was having a hard time figuring out what she wanted it to be about, but she finally picked a topic and it turned out great.

Her and her best friend have been friends since they were 4 I believe... well this past summer, not only were they going through a weird transition stage because they were both going to different high schools, but her friends father tragically took his own life.

This poem is about just that....need I remind you its written by a 15 year old. I think its fabulous, made me cry...but then again I am her older sister, I am a little bias.

Her Hero, Her Fallen Angel

June 6th 2008.
It started with a phone call,
All I heard was crying and mumbling.
As she tried to calm herself down she told me what had happened.
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing;
I couldn’t believe he was gone.

And just like that her world had stopped.
Her hero was gone,
Her angel had fallen.

Three days had passed,
It was the first time I saw her in what felt like a life time.
Her cold, hard hug felt like she was somehow trying to hold on to life.
As I held her tight,
Her warm tears rolled down her red cheeks and hit my light pink shirt like bullets;
Her once soft, smooth skin rose with cold, rough goose bumps;
Her once still body began to shake uncontrollably;
And her voice began to tremble and break as she tried to speak softly.

And just then I saw that her world had stopped.
Her hero was gone,
Her angel had fallen

The flag covered coffin looked beautiful surrounded by elegant red roses.
“He looks at peace” she said.
Just then my heart felt like a rock,
Sinking to the frigid ocean floor.
Black tears began to leave gray trails as they fall down my pail cheeks.

Just then I realized her world had stopped,
Her hero was gone,
Her angel had fallen.

It has been six months since the tragedy,
And all I can think is why did this have to happen to her?
Why to the free spirited girl I knew and loved.
She would never be the same.
She loved him more then anything,
He was her best friend, her hero, her dad.

But just like that her world had stopped.
Her hero was gone,
Her angel had fallen.

She knows he is in a better place now.
A place with no suffering,
No pain.
She tries to be strong for him,
But the hurt is too much for her at times.
She can’t believe this has happened to her.

She can’t believe that her world has stopped.
Her hero is gone,
Her angel has fallen.

Over time I lost her,
I lost the beautiful, free-spirited girl I knew and loved.
No harm was done to her,
No pain she inflicted on herself.
Over that hard painful summer I lost my best friend.

And just like that my world had stopped.
My “sister” was gone,
My best friend had fallen.


Katy Shamitz said...

Wow... how sad for the young woman who lost her dad. Your sister write powerfully.

Deseree said...

Your sister is an amazing writer. I am so sorry for her friends loss. Thank you for sharing her poem. It touched my heart.