Thursday, January 14, 2010

24 weeks and growing...

I'm 24 weeks already, or 6 months. I have 15 weeks and 5 days until my due date but who's counting?

This baby is REALLY starting to kick. After I eat its like I woke a sleeping beast inside me. The hubby and I get a kick(ha! Kick..get it?) sitting back and watching my stomach move all around like an alien is inside me. Its good stuff. Matter of fact it was out entertainment last Friday night. Sad huh?

I've gained 15 lbs. so far. 15. pounds. UGH. That's so much...I really DONT want to gain 53 lbs. like I did with Jack. But I'm on my way! I just cannot get a hold of my eating. Its like my brain just doesn't get it. Immediately after eating anything I HAVE to have something sweet...I've already trained everyone around me. I'm seriously dreading my glucose test next doctors appt.

My tummy is nice and round now. All of the medium maternity gear I bought months ago is starting to fit..even kinda getting tight.

geez....only 15 weeks and 5 days to go........

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