Sunday, March 27, 2011


ok it is time for a new post.. every time I get on here I see that scary picture of me. YIKES!

SO my little one is turning one in a couple of weeks. This is very sad for many reasons.
1. She is growing to quickly.
2. She is our very last.. so last 1st b-day celebrations.
3. Reminds me of how fast time goes and how each day I must cherish it..
4. I am getting older.

We, er I, am in the midst of planning this 1st birthday extravaganza. Her birthday attire is planned out. Her invitations are made. Her menu is planned out. Now we just need to buy everything.

I LOVE planning parties but I hate throwing them. Really I hate cleaning up after everyone.
Our theme for her is PINK.

Everything is going to be pink and girly and yummy. I can't wait!

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