Which stands for Ugly Baby Syndrome. Come on now, I am not being a total heartless bitch. You know damn well that you have been down that road before. Whenever my friends and I see and ugly baby we say, "wow...gotta case of the U.B.s" Sounds very Mean Girls huh? But honestly. What do you do or what do you say?
Out of all the babies I know there are a couple and I mean maybe 2 or 3 that I would say got slapped with the U.B. stick. Don't worry my Internet mama's I will PROMISE that not one of your kiddos falls into that group. Both of these babies I know in real life. I can't help it.
While I was pregnant I made my best friend vow to me that she would be 100% honest when it came to Jack's looks. If there is anyone I know I can trust Val to speaketh the truth. Thankfully she told me she is afraid to have kids because she doesn't think she can produce anything cuter than Jack. Which my answer to her was..you are damn right you cant! It takes talent to pop out a kid with a face like that.
But we all know that every mother thinks that their child is the cutest. But I wonder what the mother of U.B.s think. And what do you say to the mother of U.B.s about their little ones? "Aww they are so.....intelligent. Brains is better than beauty." I wonder if they know they have a U.B. and are just in denial. I dunno... I guess it is something I will never know the true answer to. That's because my child is a part of the W.T.A.A.C.B. group, aka. Wow that's an amazingly cute baby! group.
Wow Mae, I'm glad Jack's cute!
Hey - UB's need love too!! I'll bet Bill Gates was a UB.... enough said.
Thankful my girls were ABB's
(amazingly beautiful babies)
Ha Ha Ha! T & I were just talking about this very subject - "Do Mom's with UB's KNOW that they have UB's?" :-)
Oh my gosh! There truly are no UB babies. Some may be born looking like UB's but grow into beautiful swans. And like anonymous said (your mother) Bill Gates was probably a UB but as we have all learned, even the nerds from school can turn out to be great husbands, wealthy fellows etc. There is beauty in everyone and it may not always be in the face. I know some absolutely great looking people who are jerks. We all look at UB's in a different way. When it comes down to it, you want someone who is a great person, beautiful on the inside, treats people with respect, just fun to be around and then you really could care less what they look like.
I will add though that Jackson is a cute kid or as I always say I know he is a boy but he is beautiful. Trust me, if he was a UB you would love him just the same. I was very fortunate, I have gorgeous daughters who gave me gorgeous grandchildren and then you gave me a gorgeous great grandson. Life is great!
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