I peeked over the bar to check on him and he was playing with the baby gate. He does this some of the times but never gets far so I didn't worry too much. I went back to work..checking my email and myspace, you know the important stuff. When I hear him crying...well screaming kinda.
I ra
n into the living room and he was in between the baby gate and the wall. I couldn't help but laugh. He looked half helpless half hilarious. I couldn't believe the little stinker was going Houdini on my ass and escaping the gate! I quickly grabbed my camera and turned around but by the time I turned it on and focused in on him it was too late. He was already in the hallway, halfway to the front door.
I looked at him and asked where he was going, he just looked at me and said, "Bye!" I got a mild case of empty nest syndrome and then took off after him because he zoomed past the front door and quickly went up the stairs..saying, "Bye!" all the way up. He is pretty clever for a 13 month old. Clever than most I think. Who knows though.. I am just saying that because he is my 13 month old. But whether he is the smartest or not, he is the cutest. And that is a fact!
Ha Ha, Jacksdini. I wish he hadn't escaped before you got the picture. LoL
Oh man I wish I could have seen him wedged between the gate and the wall haha!
Maemae that is so funny... and he is such a cutie!
Good one Jack... very sneaky. :)
He was on his way to see his girlfriend, Bella! Duhhhhhh!
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