It has really been a struggle to come up with something to write on here and I am still not sure I have anything substantial to say. I have been sick since New Years Eve and am just now feeling somewhat better. Other than feeling completely run down, I am great!
Even though I am VERY sick I still have a toddler to take care of so I had to suck it up buttercup. Waking up at 7:30 am by my son's foot, accompanied by a pounding headache has been a blast! I am glad New Years took off without a hitch.
So today I got away for about 20 minutes because I had to go get some things from the grocery store. I was driving down the road and came to a huge crossroad. To my right was the major grocery store, H-E-B, for those who live in TX and to my left, Super Target. Each store had the items I needed...but one lacked a shoe department and clothes. No brainer right? I took a left and headed for Tarje. (That is said with a french accent)
Now people, I went in for two items. Orange juice and some OTC medicine. But I had to stop by the purses, clothes, shoes (I need new flats) and then finally made my way over to the grocery section. I ended up buying what I needed and also picked up a cute little Cars backpack for Jackson. All in all I spent $40 at Target on 4 different items.. I am still dumbfounded.
But hey my kid will be the only 13 month old rockin a Cars backpack, come Monday!
Sounds like me at Target lol. I want some pics of Jack's new backpack!
40? Not bad for a Target trip!
Sorry darlin ~ The lure of the red bullseye is part of your DNA......
aka self proclaimed Target junkie
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