So tonight's lineup included some good shows; Crowned:The Mother of all Pageant Shows, Wife-Swap, Super Nanny and my personal favorite Project Runway. 3 out of 4 of those shows are pretty lame but it was either that or another episode of Seinfeld or Everybody Loves Raymond. Come on people..I have had enough of those two shows to last me a lifetime!!! I can only laugh at the puffy shirt so many times.
But really... think back. What did we do before Reality T.V.? What did we watch?
Oh yeah...we spent quality time with the people we love....that's what we did. Or we filled our minds with more substantial things that will better us as individuals. That made us smart Americans and thus furthering our knowledge on social and economical problems. This gave us more profound subjects to converse about with one another.
But no... we would much rather talk about the Heidi and Lauren war(btw..totally Team Lauren) or who was auf'ed on Project Runway(Why didn't they kick that crybaby Ricky off?!?) I am somewhat ashamed to admit that I am a Reality T.V. junkie. It is truly an addiction and if they took a t.v. away from me I would have to hawk my personal assets, maybe even my son, to the corner pawn shop to get myself another one. You would then find me in the corner of a dark room with only the t.v, where I would be watching the reality t.v. channel. Yes there is an entire channel devoted to this junk. And for those who just love to burst bubbles...it isnt scripted, NOT EVEN THE HILLS.
Oh my so deceived little one - I hate to break it to you but all those MTV / VH1 shows are scripted. I asked my "inside" source. Do you really think those guys want to date New York? Give me a break!! :)
Your co-addict,
Well try not having a TV when you are young. Yes it happened to me way back when. Now that was quality time with your family. But I like you are a reality show junkie as you know. Maybe it is this great desire to travel the world with Amazing Race, or live in a jungle with Survivor or better yet wishing you had a wonderful voice to make it on American Idol.
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