Anyone who knows me personally, can completely agree with the fact that my middle name is hypochondriac. I am one so much so that I believe I even wrote a blog about it in the past. Well anyways... add stress to that situation and you have one frazzled woman.
I just started school this week. I am taking 15 hours. Which seems like a lot to begin with...plus taking care of my 14 month old, its going to be exciting to say the least. I dread that I will have no me time ever and will push away those closest to me in the effort to get things done.
Well I just received some not so good news from my doctor. I had a lump in one of my breasts and it turns out they would like to do further testing. By the looks of the mammogram pictures it looks like a benign solid mass, but they need to perform a biopsy to rule out everything. Nice. So if you can only imagine the things going through my hypochondriac brain of mine. It goes from being poked in the boob by a monster needle to a picture of me with no hair due to chemotherapy. I am not trying to make that a joking image..I am serious people this is what my brain synapses automatically associate biopsies too.
I really wish there was a magic cancer pill that solved every one's problems. I am not saying I have cancer but honestly its a 50-50 chance right? And that my friends is some scary shit. I have always wanted a boob job so I figure opting for the double mastectomy and getting fake ones put in..doesn't sound like that bad of an option.
I guess it is WAY to early to be thinking along these lines. I still have 15 hours of school and my 14 month old to worry about. Until then I am going to try my darnest to put those awful thoughts and biopsy jitters behind me because honestly there isn't any room left in me for them to stay.
OH my goodness MaeMae!!! I had no idea. I'm praying for you sweetie. I'm in tears over here. Tons and tons of prayers Maegan, I'm so sorry that you have to go thru this.
Of course you're stressed! You will be a-ok though. Ot just sucks in the meantime- Im praying for you, Maegan!
Oh my...thinking of you and praying too! :(
Tons of prayers for you Mae. That nasty C-bug better not come get you or I'll come kick it's ass!
Your in my prayers mae. I know everything will turn out A-OK. Your such a strong woman & a wonderful mama. Hang it there hunni =D
You'll be in my prayers. It is totally understandble to be stressed! You'll be okay. Keep us updated. =)
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