It is a beautiful Saturday. The sun is shining and there isn't a cloud in the sky. The weather is a perfect 70 degrees outside. Upon waking up this morning we had our typical weekend breakfast of breakfast tacos. That is a whole other post. Gosh I LOVE breakfast tacos...and so does my ass.
Then I purchased the Chris Rock tickets that I am getting Andrew for Valentines Day. $155 later...we sat around while I finished up some homework assignments, fed Jackson his first Popsicle and then Andrew left to go home.
I decided my son was a bit on the stinky side and realized that he hasn't had a bath since Tuesday!! Bad Mommy! So after a quick macaroni chow fest I stripped him naked..let him run around then threw him in the bathtub. You could tell by his facial expressions that he was living the dream in the big garden tub of his. He especially LOVES to pull the drain out. I am trying to get him to realize that once he pulls that up that the water drains, or goes "bye, bye". He doesn't get it, so I end up getting my rolling up my jeans and getting my own feet wet, in order to keep the drain plugged.
After the bath I towel him off and apply the lotion that smells SOOOOO good! We get dressed then I decided, "Hey! Its a beautiful day...lets get this kid some exercise...and sun". We went out into the backyard and kicked a ball around and threw leaves up in the air...It was great. He then stuck his hands in some wet bird poop, a sign of things to come.
I decided to be a great mommy today and take my son for a walk in his beloved wagon. We got all situated and headed out to the front. We were just taking a brisk walk down the block. We were rounding the corner and I decided to take him to the park which was less than a block down the street. We were running, laughing...it looked straight out of a movie I am sure. I took a deep breath and thought to myself, Life is Good....
THEN BAM!!!!! I got slapped back into reality when a wasp or bee or something stingalicious came and stung me on the back of my arm!! I freaked out, I must have looked like I was having an epileptic seizure to all the neighbors. I never saw the culprit but he definitely left his mark. I quickly turned that wagon around when Jack started crying, I yelled, "suck it up buttercup!" then ran back home.
But I know he only stung me because I must have smelled like the biggest flower buffet he ever smelled. Damn Victoria Secret lotion.
Stupid bee...or wasp thing.
Oh Maegan you make me laugh. I saw your arm and you are fine, but I know it hurt. I can just picture you screaming out in the street going nuts. Poor Jackson was probably scared to death.
I hate to tell you but that wasn't Jackson's first popsicle. You can blame your Aunt Jenni.
Good luck on Wednesday and I want you to know if I am unable to be there with you I will be there in spirit and you will be in my thoughts and prayers. All will be fine and you will find your procedure Wednesday will be over as quickly as that bee sting.
As always I love you bunches.
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