I mean I know he is kinds of yummy because I nibble his toes on a daily basis...but some snotty nosed little punk actual sunk her teeth in my son's left arm. Ok, so that is a little extreme. She is a cutie but still! Keep your chompers in yo mouth! She actually broke the skin on his arm. I am sure this will not be the last time that something like this happens. I hope that my kid is never the biter though. How embarassing is that for the mom? Trying to explain that your kid bites..they should have to wear onesies that say, "Caution I bite" to give our innocent ones a head up.
The best part in this whole fiasco, it the teacher had the nerve to say that Jackson provoked it. Not...my innocent liwtle biwty Jacki. She said that he pulled her hair, so the little girl in turn bit him. Umm....what if the teacher didnt see what really happened. What if the little girl came up to Jack and shook her tiny toddler booty at him and he didnt like it so then he pulled her hair...or what if she came up to him and slapped him and so he pulled her hair.. or what if....
I guess the options are endless...and since they are only toddlers I know they are still dabbling in what is right and what is wrong.. so I will let this one slide, this one time! But I still think that mom should give her kid a mouthgaurd!