1. Volupsa Candles
Monday, December 13, 2010
Maegan's Favorite Things
1. Volupsa Candles
Friday, October 15, 2010
My New Venture
Friday, August 6, 2010
Bouncing Baby Boy
Jack, Jack, Jack. I love him..he is my first born and will always hold a special place in my heart. He is however being exceptionally three lately. I don't understand the term "terrible twos". It should be "HORRENDOUS AWFUL TEMPER TANTRUM THREES". He has been home with me everyday this summer. This has proven two things to me.. A) Im not made up for this staying at home mom stuff and B) Jack was born with cotton in his ears, this would explain why I have to repeat myself over and over and over again for him to understand what I am saying.
He has however been a huge help with the baby...as much as a 3 year old can help. He is awesome at throwing away diapers. He loves his baby sister with a deep passion. More so than any sibling i have ever seen. He wants to constantly hold her and kiss her, its kinda cute. Something I will be reminding him when she is 13 and wants to tag along where ever he goes.
Just the other night I was re-tucking him into bed, he always looks so peaceful when he sleeps. So peaceful that just by the looks of him you would never suggest that he just got finish running a moc, creating a cloud of chaos where he ran. He slept with me for the first 2 years of his life so I decided to slip into bed with him for a little bit and snuggle. I whispered into his little ear, "Goodnight baby". He responded, " Goodnight mommy". Then I whispered, " I love you" and he replied so quiet and sleepily, "Mommy".."Yes, son".. " My butt itches"
Awe. So sweet. He is definitely a boy.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Love Story PART II
How many people in your life time tell you that your love story would make for a good movie or novel? We get this a lot. I find it somewhat humorous. I mean yes, I believe my little love history has some unique qualities but I don’t think I see Julia Roberts playing me anytime in the future. More like Scarlet Johansen…just sayin..
So I left off with love at first sight. Well it was somewhat that…Did I think I was going to marry this clueless bartender? No. I just thought I’d flirt a little and get my friend and me some FREE illegal drinks. Hah! Well it worked. Men are so easy. Helpless…and easy.
I ended up chatting it up with him in between his other customers. I remember feeling a twinge of jealousy if he sparked a conversation with another female in there. But you never show that up front ladies. Always reel in the boys before showing your true colors..then they are less likely to think you are completely crazy. Kidding..kinda.
He came to my friend and mine’s rescue at one point when an overly obnoxious guy from Boston tried to pick us up. I wanted to scream at him, “Hey Boston Rob! Back off, I’m 20!” But that wouldn’t have worked, our cover would have been blown. The fact that he took the time to shoo off creepazoid sparked my interest even more. A man that comes to my rescue? It completely felt Damsel in Distress-esque.
My friend and I ended up going to that little hole in the wall bar for the rest of the week. One night this cute bartender and I got to really talk because the place was dead. I believe he actually ended up closing the place and it was just us. Talking. Him telling me about his past..his family..You know, getting to know each other. Looking into each other’s eyes. I believe we sneaked in our first kiss at this point. There may or may not have been some alcohol involved with this scenario. A lot of it.
I will let your imagination take it from here. Let’s just say it was the first and last time I snuck out of someone’s apartment at 7 am, leaving them a note. WHAT?! I was YOUNG…SPONTANEOUS…STUPID..Don't do this..it’s really bad.
Needless to say that was one of the last times I saw that cute bartender. I was too embarrassed with how I handled myself to want to see him again. I was a good girl. Not a slut. This was not a typical situation for me to be in. Scared, I ended up famously taking the morning after pill(just in case) and wrote this guy out of my life for good. I even deleted his number from my phone….
Monday, June 28, 2010
Love Story PART I
Friday, June 25, 2010
Feliz Cumpleanos
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
After Baby Blues
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Wow. Who Knew?
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
I had a baby...
It's been awhile since my last update. I didn't think anyone was reading until my grandma emailed me to update this thing.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
So....Im gonna have a baby
Monday, April 5, 2010
36th week
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Sweet Dreams
Monday, March 22, 2010
33 weeks 6 days
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Baby O's Nursery
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Stick A Fork In Me
Friday, March 12, 2010
Spring Has Sprung
Today marks the first day of Spring Break. Jack is off of school from now until March 22. Please help me find the strength...KIDDING
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
32 weeks
Today marks my 32nd week of being pregnant. Amazing if you ask me. Amazing that I've been a vessel for human growth, amazing that I made it to 32 after the scare at 29 and amazing that I haven't had a beer since August. mmm...beer. I want one so bad. I swear I'm not an alcoholic, but now that its getting warm, a nice cold one sounds delish.
Friday, March 5, 2010
March Madness
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
31 weeks 1 day
I've been nesting I think.. I never did it with Jack so I have no idea what it's like. We received a lot of hand me downs this last weekend so I have been washing and meticulously folding it all and putting it away for future use. I am quite amazed at my organizational skills. I never thought that Maegan and Organized would be used in the same sentence.
Husband and I start our labor classes next week. They are once a week for the next four weeks. I've already been to them, but he hasn't. I want him to be as prepared as possible. But he seems to hold up well in emergency situations so I am not to concerned with him. I wanted a refresher course. Not that I will remember a thing the lady tells me.. when that baby wants out you push, that's pretty much all you need to know about labor.
I read somewhere that I should begin massaging my perineum with olive oil now. It helps with the stretching down there and makes the baby easier to come out.. I read how to do it and it really weirds me out. I have been joking with my hubby that he needs to get on that, he flat out refuses. I don't blame him.. I wouldn't massage anything his butt hole to help anything come out smoother.. I'm gonna vomit.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
It's Finally Sinking In
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Kissing My Owies
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Day 1-Bed Rest
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sign of things to come?
Friday, February 5, 2010
So it begins
OMG. It feels like I gave birth to a semi truck. Nice mental image huh??
I am really trying hard not to look like a waddling fool, but I really cannot help it. I am waddling with every step. Just call me the human penguin lady.
I tried going to prenatal yoga. I would go religiously at the beginning of this pregnancy so I could avoid this pain. I knew it was inevitable pain since I had it BAD with Jackson. But alas, it has reared its ugly head and is now taking over. It hurts to go to yoga now. It hurts to walk..sit..lay. Anything. I still have 13 weeks of this shiz!
These babies have no idea what we go through...
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
27th week
Let me re-phrase that.. I don't want my child to fear me per se, but know that when I, mommy, speak I mean business just like Daddy does. I just don't understand. Growing up, both my parents were easy... They know this. Its not exactly a family secret. I knew that if I whined enough or did things enough that nothing would happen. I wouldn't get spanked, etc. But that is not gonna fly with Jack.
Sorry Mom and Dad! Hindsight IS 20/20
I can tell him 20, 000, 000 times not to jump on the couch and he will do it when he thinks I am not looking. But if daddy says it, he sits there like a perfect little angel. Doesn't even put his feet on the couch. WTF?
What is in men's voices that we women don't have?
I am stern with him and I always follow through.. granite, he may have two or more chances before I really spank his butt. But still! I just don't get it.. gets annoying. I want to be taken serious too, ya know? I wanna feel validated damnit!
on baby news-
I am 27 weeks and according to some publications I am now in my 3rd trimester. Last one! No more trimesters after this.
I gave myself a panic attack yesterday at the thought that there is no turning back now. I have to get this baby out of me somehow. I guess since I know what to expect, I am even more so freaked out about labor. I remember with Jacks, it was a lot easier than I expected. But every labor is different.
Little things like this have been freaking me OUT. Example,
I was doing dishes the other night, Husband watching t.v. (typical), Jack was in bed and the dog was laying at my feet. It was pretty much a calm evening. I thought about the fact that in 13 weeks OR LESS, this quietness will be NON EXISTENT. I will more than likely be pulling out my hair crying in a corner in 13 weeks OR LESS.
But for real, there will be no more quiet evenings. Or quiet mornings. Or non hectic, relaxing days. No more days off consisting of lounging on the couch watching a movie. No more reading a a relaxing book. NO MORE SLEEP.
The very thought makes me think twice about this whole baby stuff. Cant we just give birth to 3 year olds? (shuddddder)
I crawled into bed after my mini panic attack moment and asked hubby if he too was nervous about all that I just mentioned. His answer was quick and precise, "Not At All".
Yeah...we shall see buddy!
Friday, January 29, 2010
My Kind of Nesting
- redo front door. I want to stain it a darker color I think it will be a nice contrast to the blond wood floors we have.
- Butcher block counter tops. I found the ones I want at IKEA
- New kitchen appliances. Mainly refrigerator and dish washer.. in stainless steel finish
- Re-paint kitchen
- Refinish the kitchen cabinets
- Paint our master bathroom
- Turn study/extra room into Baby's room
- New fence in the back yard.
Is that SO much to ask for?!!? Didn't think so....
Would you categorize this as nesting? or just being plain crazy?
I've also decided that I wanna write. Maybe its a part of this creative bug I got. I want to write a novel. That shouldn't be so hard either right? While maintaining my household and my sanity...also include write best selling novel to the list. I can do it.. I like to keep myself on my toes. Keep life interesting, ya know? Its too short to be unfulfilling.