1. Volupsa Candles

How many people in your life time tell you that your love story would make for a good movie or novel? We get this a lot. I find it somewhat humorous. I mean yes, I believe my little love history has some unique qualities but I don’t think I see Julia Roberts playing me anytime in the future. More like Scarlet Johansen…just sayin..
So I left off with love at first sight. Well it was somewhat that…Did I think I was going to marry this clueless bartender? No. I just thought I’d flirt a little and get my friend and me some FREE illegal drinks. Hah! Well it worked. Men are so easy. Helpless…and easy.
I ended up chatting it up with him in between his other customers. I remember feeling a twinge of jealousy if he sparked a conversation with another female in there. But you never show that up front ladies. Always reel in the boys before showing your true colors..then they are less likely to think you are completely crazy. Kidding..kinda.
He came to my friend and mine’s rescue at one point when an overly obnoxious guy from Boston tried to pick us up. I wanted to scream at him, “Hey Boston Rob! Back off, I’m 20!” But that wouldn’t have worked, our cover would have been blown. The fact that he took the time to shoo off creepazoid sparked my interest even more. A man that comes to my rescue? It completely felt Damsel in Distress-esque.
My friend and I ended up going to that little hole in the wall bar for the rest of the week. One night this cute bartender and I got to really talk because the place was dead. I believe he actually ended up closing the place and it was just us. Talking. Him telling me about his past..his family..You know, getting to know each other. Looking into each other’s eyes. I believe we sneaked in our first kiss at this point. There may or may not have been some alcohol involved with this scenario. A lot of it.
I will let your imagination take it from here. Let’s just say it was the first and last time I snuck out of someone’s apartment at 7 am, leaving them a note. WHAT?! I was YOUNG…SPONTANEOUS…STUPID..Don't do this..it’s really bad.
Needless to say that was one of the last times I saw that cute bartender. I was too embarrassed with how I handled myself to want to see him again. I was a good girl. Not a slut. This was not a typical situation for me to be in. Scared, I ended up famously taking the morning after pill(just in case) and wrote this guy out of my life for good. I even deleted his number from my phone….
Is that SO much to ask for?!!? Didn't think so....
Would you categorize this as nesting? or just being plain crazy?
I've also decided that I wanna write. Maybe its a part of this creative bug I got. I want to write a novel. That shouldn't be so hard either right? While maintaining my household and my sanity...also include write best selling novel to the list. I can do it.. I like to keep myself on my toes. Keep life interesting, ya know? Its too short to be unfulfilling.