First night into the world

Proud Big Brother with his new Baby Sister

It's been awhile since my last update. I didn't think anyone was reading until my grandma emailed me to update this thing.
On April 12 at 11:18 am my family and I were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. Olivia was welcomed into this world with open arms. I really haven't been able to put her down since. I can't believe its been two weeks already.
I went into labor on April 11. My husband and I decided, after counting contractions for 2 hours, to head up to the hospital even though I was 3 weeks early. I was admitted at 12 am and after two failed epidural, I pushed her out almost twelve hours later. Despite her long labor, I adored her as soon as she was placed on my chest.
She weighed a whopping 6 lbs. 4 oz. and was 18 1/4 in. long.
Everyday has been an adventure with her even though all she does is SLEEP. I'm trying something new with her that I didn't do with Jack and that is....BREAST FEEDING. Don't let anyone tell you that its easier. I have been struggling with it since DAY 1. But its Day 16 and we are still going strong..and she is growing so I'm doing something right! So no more pregnancy it will be a breast feeding blog. Kidding..
She's totally beautiful. :)
And the breastfeeding thing IS easier. Give it 6 weeks. You'll be so glad you did.
Such a good mama.
Congratulations! She is beautiful!
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