Why is it that I cannot put the fear into my child?
Let me re-phrase that.. I don't want my child to fear me per se, but know that when I, mommy, speak I mean business just like Daddy does. I just don't understand. Growing up, both my parents were easy... They know this. Its not exactly a family secret. I knew that if I whined enough or did things enough that nothing would happen. I wouldn't get spanked, etc. But that is not gonna fly with Jack.
Sorry Mom and Dad! Hindsight IS 20/20
I can tell him 20, 000, 000 times not to jump on the couch and he will do it when he thinks I am not looking. But if daddy says it, he sits there like a perfect little angel. Doesn't even put his feet on the couch. WTF?
What is in men's voices that we women don't have?
I am stern with him and I always follow through.. granite, he may have two or more chances before I really spank his butt. But still! I just don't get it.. gets annoying. I want to be taken serious too, ya know? I wanna feel validated damnit!
on baby news-
I am 27 weeks and according to some publications I am now in my 3rd trimester. Last one! No more trimesters after this.
I gave myself a panic attack yesterday at the thought that there is no turning back now. I have to get this baby out of me somehow. I guess since I know what to expect, I am even more so freaked out about labor. I remember with Jacks, it was a lot easier than I expected. But every labor is different.
Little things like this have been freaking me OUT. Example,
I was doing dishes the other night, Husband watching t.v. (typical), Jack was in bed and the dog was laying at my feet. It was pretty much a calm evening. I thought about the fact that in 13 weeks OR LESS, this quietness will be NON EXISTENT. I will more than likely be pulling out my hair crying in a corner in 13 weeks OR LESS.
But for real, there will be no more quiet evenings. Or quiet mornings. Or non hectic, relaxing days. No more days off consisting of lounging on the couch watching a movie. No more reading a a relaxing book. NO MORE SLEEP.
The very thought makes me think twice about this whole baby stuff. Cant we just give birth to 3 year olds? (shuddddder)
I crawled into bed after my mini panic attack moment and asked hubby if he too was nervous about all that I just mentioned. His answer was quick and precise, "Not At All".
Yeah...we shall see buddy!
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