Anyways...lately I have been having dreams about our impending arrival. They usually take place after labor. I'm usually holding my little babe wrapped up all snug in her blanket.
But something weird happened last night. That reminded me of another dream I had back in August. So let me rewind to August's dream, this was pre-wedding and pre-baby...
I had a dream that my mother was watching my kids and I had to meet them at the store to pick them up. Jack was about five or six years old. He was lanky but looked the same. Then there was an addition, in case you didn't pick up on the fact that I typed kids, There was a little girl. She was walking already so about 1.5 or two years old. She was wearing long shorts and a strappy shirt. She had her curly blond hair up in a messy ponytail, typical of most two year olds. My mom had one on each hand and was bringing them towards me.
This dream was so vivid. It didn't involve anything crazy, but I distinctly remember that image. I woke up and told my now husband. He laughed saying it would come true someday. I laughed and said, like hell it wont. Guess he knows better than I. I shared the dream with my mom she laughed and said it better not come true anytime soon..
Well, little did we all know that God had other plans. He knew exactly what was going on and I like to think he gave me a little glimpse into my future.
So last night I had a wasn't too crazy like most of my dreams have been. But it was vivid. It took place at my mom's house and lo and behold had that same little girl. She was reaching for some juice on top of the counter top.
I'm wondering if she is going to look ANYTHING like this little one in my dreams.
I never doubt the power of some dreams. Some are just crazy and no matter how much you try to make sense out of it you won't. Like the one the other day where my breast milk turned to red kool-aid. I'm sure you cant look that up in the dream dictionary.
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