So this morning I awoke about two hours too late. I am by no means complaining and will never apologize for this fault. If and when my 11 month old decides he needs more sleep than usual is ok by me.
One moment I was catching z's and the next I was catching a swift kick to my trachea. After choking and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I rolled over to find my eleven month old sitting up in my bed in a puddle of pee..yup it was one of THOSE mornings.
I quickly jolted out of bed, realizing I had but only one hour to take a shower, feed my son and get us both decent looking for the day. So I did what any normal single mother of one does when they have no time for any of this, or at least I like to think I am one of the norm.
I jumped in the shower with the baby by my side, stuck him on the bathtub floor and began to bathe us both. I was blissfully rinsing my hair and relaxing in the warmth when I looked down to see my soon sucking down a bottle of shampoo!!! Thank god it was already empty, but I was half asleep so of course I freaked out.
We got out of the shower and I somehow managed to get us both wrapped in towels, this is one of my many one handed accomplishments and I headed towards my bedroom. I laid him down and was toweling him off, when he decided I wasn't clean enough and needed a golden shower. nice...It was one of THOSE mornings...
This time I had NO time for a shower and settled for a wipey wipe down. Thank goodness for the nice scented ones. I got dressed and began doing my hair with a crawling, getting into everything, child by my side. At one moment he was playing with the TV buttons, then the electrical cords, which are all dangerous YES but it kept him quiet, understand?? Then I look up for one second and then glance back at him and he is missing...where did he go???? Of course it was climbing the stairs time.
I somehow got us both decent enough for my grandmother who was coming by to babysit him and so I may go to school. My grandmother came and brought my son breakfast. Pancakes...with syrup. Nice. He finally gets a bath after who knows how long and its in turn, ruined by maple syrup. Thanks grams!
I headed out the door, got into my car and blasted the music all the way to school. To melt the stress away of course. As I turned out of my neighborhood and I was belting out the newest Natasha Beddingfield song, my car died. of THOSE mornings...
OK so I am the Nana and what else are we for? I did clean him up of course and boy did he enjoy those pancakes!
OH HONEY....get used to THOSE days. There will be many more... :) LU, Mom
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