So I talked myself out of buying the cutest pair of shoes today. They were perfect. Steve Maddens, Black, patent leather, peep toe, Mary Jane style heals which are originally $90 and they were marked down to $29.99(which sounds way better than $30) I even hid them in the store so I could go get some money out and return later to buy them. I haven't been that excited in awhile. I felt as if I embarked on a hidden treasure.
After hiding them in the perfect spot (I swear nobody will find them) I headed out the door to the closest ATM machine. I was walking towards my car with Jackson on my hip when my two oldest and closest friends came by, guilt and doubt. They left an obvious impression on me considering I am here writing this very blog.
I looked down at Jackson, who looked extra hungry at the time and thought..my son really needs to eat more than I need those perfectly priced shoes. I also don't think the shoes will be great at catching poop...gotta have those diapers. And seriously who can afford great shoes anymore? That $30 investment is the equivalent to about half a tank of gas. geez.
So thank you guilt and doubt for dropping in at the last minute and kicking my butt into reality. But if anyone wants to buy those shoes for me I will happily draw up a map to the secret location where my shoes now reside.
LOL Maegan! I too hide things to come back for later and $29.99 does sound better than $30. That is a really good deal, maybe you could sell some stuff then go back for them...
For $29.99 I'll get them for you if you want them that much. Just lead me to the secret hiding place.
Your Nana
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