So I wanted to be a comedian when I grew up. This has been a life long ambition of mine since I can remember. Ridiculous I know, the only person I can get to laugh consistently would be Jackson and my mom. But she laughs at anything.
But seriously. I would practice my future career with my family when I was a kid. I would stand atop my grandmother's fireplace and belt these jokes out. My forte at the age of 7 was impressions. I could impersonate anyone in my family.
Now that I am older and not as funny as I thought, I have decided to brush my childhood dream aside. Could you imagine if every kid followed their dream? We would have an abundance of firefighters, astronauts and veterinarians.
So now that I am the sole provider of a child, I am taking on the task of finishing school so I may one day fully provide for us both. I am seeking out a degree that I know I will master in, I know I will enjoy the job I could get from it, but it doesn't seem to be impressing to many people. Including my family. I am trying to get a bachelors in fine art with a concentration in graphic art. But as soon as I mention, art degree, I get the "you loony artsy fartsy" look. What is so wrong with an art degree I ask...
Can I not do what I want to do? Do I have to get a business degree? Is that the key to money and happiness? I just don't get it. I am just happy I have a goal set and I know exactly how I want to achieve it. This is the first time in my life I feel I have a path set out for me and I want to follow it. Without the, "what are you gonna do with an art degree?" comments. Know what I am going to do? Be happy with it. That's what.
for the sake of copyright purposes that art up there is:
Jackson Pollock
Number 4, 1950
Oil, enamel, and aluminum paint on canvas
Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh
Gift of Frank R. S. Kaplan, 1954
As your grandmother I have never questioned your ambitions or goals and if it is an arts degree you want, I know you will get it and be the best at it. My only concern with an art degree is this city is not that artsy and I would hate for you and Jackson to move away as I would miss you terribly. But after reading your Blog I have to say I think you might be missing your calling. You should be a writer. You are very funny and witty in your writings and your words make a person visualize the situation. Having that ability is a rare gift that I think you might be overlooking. You have always been a very funny, quick thinking, witty and outgoing girl from the time you were little and maybe with the wanting to be a comedian as a child and an art major today combined with your creativity makes you such a good writer. Are you missing your calling? Which ever you choose in life you know I have and will always support you.
I COMPLETLY agree with Nana.. Ever since I started reading your blog I have thought you would be a great writer..
I am quite impressed...
I have always thought you would excel in anything you set your mind to, but writing never even crossed my mind.
I think you are mistaking our confusion for disapproval.. No one in our family is "artsy" except you.. We just don't quite know what to say.. I guess we are just not as sophistimakated as you.
Love Ya,
Aunt Jenni
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