Monday, February 22, 2010

Sign of things to come?

These past three days have been extremely.....interesting. Being cooped up in a hospital room was not quite what I had in mind for this last weekend.

It all started Saturday night. I had just gotten back from a fun filled day of taking my maternity pictures, AWESOME! Might wanna check her amazing work here: Angela M Photography
Then went shopping and had lunch with my mom. We only hit up a couple stores because I wasn't feeling all that hot.

I got home and put some PJs on, typical protocol for when I walk in my front door, then snuggled up to my man on the couch. We were planning a big Saturday night for us these days, ya know, put the kid to sleep and watch a movie. Big Saturday out!

I noticed that I started having contractions...I just blew them off as Braxton Hicks contractions(fake contractions). I looked at the hubby and said,"Ya know? I get these a lot when I sit on this couch. I think I'm gonna try and lay down in bed to get them to go away." He was disappointed we were missing our home date but clearly understood. I laid down for a couple minutes when the suckers started to HURT. WTF? I was 29 weeks and 4 days. Not supposed to have labor pains..I began to time them. Something I haven't done up until that moment..They were about 7 min. apart. No bueno. We made a call to the Dr. and he pretty much told us to get my happy butt to the hospital. Awesome! not.

I was convinced it was nothing..even on the way up to the hospital I was making comments to my husband, "It's nothing, the nurses are gonna be annoyed with my false labor" or "Watch everything is gonna stop as soon as I get there, making me look like a dummy". Unfortunately it didn't happen like got worse.

I got checked in. They did all sorts of tests. One that proved I was in preterm labor and was already dilated at 1 cm. After that they drugged me up and got me to a labor and delivery room. By this time it was already 1 am. Hubby and I were both wide awake. Sleep was nowhere in our immediate future.

They started me on terbutaline aka this fucking sucks medicine. Doses go as follow: Shot in your arm: 1 for 3 in a row hours, Then 7 every 3 hours, then oral medicine every 4 hours. It makes your heart rate immediately go up for about an hour. Not something that someone with anxiety attacks looks forward to. These nurses thought I was crazy... So I pretty much got NO sleep for oh, 24+ hours. Hubby didn't either, he didn't want to sleep if I wasn't.. Insert Awwws here. But seriously, If it weren't for him I would have been a mess, or more of a mess than I already was.

So here I am. Monday morning. Still at the hospital. Still taking medicine. Still hooked up to an IV. Still mad I missed out on a beautiful Sunday. But happy to say the contractions have subsided and my sweet Baby O is still cooking. Hopefully she will stay put for another month.

So is this a sign of things to come with Baby O? Is she gonna be our difficult one? Or she gonna say "Haha! Got ya!" and stay put 2 weeks longer than her due date AND be over 10 lbs. Oh lord help us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh man. Scary! That medicine sounds nightmarish. Hopefully that's your last trip to L&D for about 10ish weeks?
Me, on the other hand? I'm dying for a little field trip to L&D. ;)