Friday, March 21, 2008

Jack's 16 month List

Here is a list of things Jack has learned to say or do within the past month. I find the toddler mind astonishing!

1.Exercise. I really don't know how quickly he picked up on this.. I rarely do it. I was doing squats and counting them out while watching t.v...oh god I am turning into my mother..When I turned around to see Jack mimicking me. It was the funniest thing ever! He now does it every time someone counts out loud.

2. Tap Dance. No joking.. I tell him to tap and he stomps his little feet. This too makes me laugh!

3. Blow oldie but goodie. I especially like the noise he makes with it..sounds something like..."muaaaaaaaaaaaaah"

4. He knows where his nose is and will point to it when asked...

5. This is in addition to number 4, he now picks his nose.

6. We also like to ask where his mouth is right after gross.

7. He knows where his belly button is and will flash you any chance he gets.

8. He knows what sound a dog makes..sounds like" br br br" he does this sound out of the side of his mouth..too funny.

9. He thinks every animal goes, "brbrbr"

10. He spins in circles...and then walks out of it.

So there is probably WAY more.. but these are the cute things. My life no longer consists of keg stands and mardi gra beads. Now its filled with these little wonders my 16 month old picks up on a daily basis.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forgot he says Nana which sure brings a smile to my face. I do believe he said that before he started all these new tricks. That's my boy!