My house is coming along.. we have maintained its cleanliness for 11 days and counting. I am so proud. Ok by we, I mean Andrew. But since we are together its WE now damnit! I truly am lucky to find someone that relishes in cleanliness. It is very awkward for me and I am having an adjustment period...but I like it.
I am not saying I was raised by cave slobs or anything but borderline.. kidding, mom. (Not that she has time to read this little ol blog) But my family was very lackadaisy with their cleaning abilities...but that's ok, It was supposedly ALL ME.
So Andrew cleans. That's who he is and what he does. I came home yesterday after an exhausting 8 hours at school... to a mopped floor, folded clean laundry and the quiet hum of the dishwasher running. That's always nice. Plus, Andrew worked a good 10 hours day. He is crazy if you ask me.
8 hours of sitting on my butt listening to lectures and I was pooped. I wanted to flop on the couch and curl up with my two old pals Ben and Jerry. Call me lazy I guess, since I didn't want to help in the house duties. But I eventually did. I lit a candle. I was helping with the smell situation.. Not that we had one, but freshen it up a bit.
But he can be a bit obsessive about it, if you ask me... Just my personal opinion. He spent 3 hours in the laundry room the other day. Doing laundry and between loads cleaning the washer, since it is being borrowed. I walked in on him wiping down the laundry detergent bottles. I said, "Oh! Sorry"and closed the door, nice little awkward moment. I had to ask him WHY? he was washing soap.... I dunno.
I just don't know where he gets the energy from. Must be the 2 packs of Monsters he got the other day... hmm..
Where can I get a man who cleans like that? My hubby is great at making the messes, not so great at cleaning them. :-)
Hell, I'd settle for a man that uses a coster...
Very low standards.
Aunt Jenni
Be glad he is that way. If he was a "slob" you two would be in trouble.
Now in taking up for my daughter, your mother, she is a CPA and is extremely busy and works all the time or is always running around taking Madie here or there, so with you and the baby in the house it did get messy. But you have to admit, people are coming over and you two had that house spotless. That is one huge house to keep clean.
I am very proud of you and Andrew thus far. I agree with you though that I don't know where he gets all that energy. Trust me it will slow down in time. Right now all is new. But he is a keeper so far.
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