Nobody except for my one year old. The boy is constantly crying or fussing. I am not exaggerating either. People always tell me.."Maegan, he is a baby. Babies cry." But I am pretty sure that not all children excessively fuss/cry at their mother's feet for days at a time.
Then the other comment I love to hear about my constantly crying child is how spoiled he is. Here lies the catch 22. Do I let him cry at my feet and ignore him? Or do I give in and protect my own sanity and give into his every wants and needs? I usually pick the latter of the two choices. But I know there has to be a happy medium. I just have not yet found it.
I really don't want my child to grow up being the cry baby of the group, but I am pretty sure this is where he is headed. He is already 100% Mama's boy and to add the cry baby label is just giving him a first class ticket to nerdom.
I try, so often, to tell myself that this is only a stage...that I will look back on this blip in time and laugh...but honestly that is hard to do with a screaming toddler at your feet constantly. I mean constantly, people! I am trying to express that point the most.
Crying because he fell off the couch, understandable. Crying because I wont let him stand up on in his high chair...not so understandable. Ahhhh..the joys of motherhood.
this is why moms are my heroes i would be way over protective and would have the biggest cry baby as a child because i would be scared every time i saw a tear
OK Maegan.. I do not think he is spoiled at all.
And believe me, I know it seems like he is somehow abnormal, but he is not..
Mine cried for 1/2 an hour the other day because he broke his cookie.. prefectly normal.
Yes, he IS going to be a momma's boy.. what else would he be???
There is nothing wrong with that.. there is a difference between a momma's boy & a weenie..
This too shall pass.. I promise!!
I found your blog via another blog and just read this from the archives...I am now going through this EXACT thing with my one year old daughter--always good to see that someone else has experienced this. So does it get better??! Please tell me it does.
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