It is the end of the year and everything seems to be creeping up on me. I have a million things I need to do and get done and just not enough time to do it. I must be really busy if I have written two blogs now about it.
So here is my current To-Do list(when in doubt of what to write on here...LIST!)
1. My eyebrows, I am beginning to look like Frida Kahlo's long lost twin.
2. A pedicure- I am most often reminded of this by Andrew, but last night was the final straw. He said my feet resembled that of a Runaway Slave.. horrible right? I am still laughing out loud at that one.
3.My nails done. I have a XMas party coming up and I don't want people to shake my hand a realize I gnaw at my fingers all day long.
4.Change my oil on my car. I believe I am 6000 miles over...is that bad?!?
5. Lose weight. This will always be on all my lists. Even if it is a to do list for school. Lose weight. Always a priority. My other chunky friend just informed me that she is going to a fat doctor today and that she will no longer be my chunky friend. NO FAIR!
6. Get Jack's pictures taken. I need 1year old pics!!! oh and a XMas card pic!!
7. Find shoes for my dress. I have my eye on the ones I want...Oh Nana dearest......
8. My final for humanities. This should be at the top but its not. I am just not that into it. I have to create a new society for humans..how hard is that? We had 1000s of years to come up with ours and look how screwed up it is. I have had 2 weeks...all I know is that we are living in Philadelphia. It is always sunny there right?
9. Pick out recipes to make for Christmas. I got the bright idea to play Martha Stewart and hand out home made goodies for everyone. I don't know where I will fit this in.....No those are homemade, Not Chips Ahoy! Oh yeah and I have an Oreo stamp at home in the old kitchen drawer...that's how that logo got on there. Promise..
10.Find baby daddy...
11. ALL of my work. Its a lot.
12. Talk to financial aid at school
13. Watch all the episodes I have missed on my DVR.
14. Finish reading Eat, Pray, Love....LOVE this BOOK!! GO GET IT NOW...Go on! Now!
15. Figure out what to get my son that he doesn't already have...this will be hard. I am going to have to search far and wide.
16. Figure out what to get Andrew. He may have to wait this one out...
17. Figure out what to get my PARENTS. jeez. I cant say I got them Jackson anymore...
18. Oh and Shave my legs. That would be nice.
That is I can think of right this minute.
All I know is I feel like I am going a mile a minute right now. I am sure it has everything to do with the Starbucks I drank this morning mixed with the extra large coke I am drinking now. I could REALLY use Spa Day in the middle of nowhere away from everybody. Maybe I can pull a Lindsey Lohan and go to Rehab in Malibu....hmm..
Harriet Tubman,
Add one more thing to your list..
Get stuff out of living room & entry that I promised Mom I'd pick up 2 weeks ago.....
So funny. :)
Here's another thing to add to your list:
Write another list of 7 weird things about yourself. I tagged you on my blog...go see!
And I think finishing Eat, Pray, Love and finding your baby daddy should be moved to the top. JMO! Ha!
Wow! That's an intense list. I say just get your nails done and call it a day.
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