Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I had a baby...

First night into the world

Proud Big Brother with his new Baby Sister

It's been awhile since my last update. I didn't think anyone was reading until my grandma emailed me to update this thing.

On April 12 at 11:18 am my family and I were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. Olivia was welcomed into this world with open arms. I really haven't been able to put her down since. I can't believe its been two weeks already.

I went into labor on April 11. My husband and I decided, after counting contractions for 2 hours, to head up to the hospital even though I was 3 weeks early. I was admitted at 12 am and after two failed epidural, I pushed her out almost twelve hours later. Despite her long labor, I adored her as soon as she was placed on my chest.

She weighed a whopping 6 lbs. 4 oz. and was 18 1/4 in. long.

Everyday has been an adventure with her even though all she does is SLEEP. I'm trying something new with her that I didn't do with Jack and that is....BREAST FEEDING. Don't let anyone tell you that its easier. I have been struggling with it since DAY 1. But its Day 16 and we are still going strong..and she is growing so I'm doing something right! So no more pregnancy it will be a breast feeding blog. Kidding..

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

So....Im gonna have a baby

Yeah. You read that right. I'm having a baby and soon. Went to my doctor this morning and I'm already 3 cm. dilated. That's exciting news for pregnant women to hear when they are ending their blissful pregnancy and are in the miserable phase.

If she decides to keep baking for the next couple weeks, she will be manually evicted on April 28. So either way I'm having an April baby..yay!

Now its really time to get Jack prepared. We have been extremely open about everything going on. He helped with her room. He has picked out stuff for her. We even got him a book about being a big brother.

I'm actually amazed at how into it he is. He really loves babies. He will go up to random babies all the time to see and touch's pretty cute. I for one think he will be an awesome big brother.

I cannot wait to be holding both my babies! I can wait to change poop diapers, but guess that comes with having a baby eh? Just when I was done wiping other people's butts....

Monday, April 5, 2010

36th week

I am going crazy. The End.

Really though..Thank God we are not elephants and have to be pregnant for 2 years. I'd never have children.

I'm just so irritable lately. I think I'm getting restless leg syndrome. I cant stop contracting. I contract EVERYDAY..Some bad some not so bad. My feet hurt. My hips hurt. My head hurts. My husbands ears hurt from me bitching so much. We are ALL ready.

Come on Baby O! We are anxiously awaiting your arrival.