Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sweet Dreams

Pregnancy dreams have to be the craziest. I often wake up in the middle of a night after an elaborate pregnancy dream and think, "Hot Damn! I should write that down. That would make a crazy movie and me, millions..." Of course writing those dreams down isn't the top priority when I wake up. Its more of pushing myself to a sitting position and waddling to the bathroom as fast as I can in the dark. An impossible feat, I should be rewarded for my agility at 3 am.

Anyways...lately I have been having dreams about our impending arrival. They usually take place after labor. I'm usually holding my little babe wrapped up all snug in her blanket.

But something weird happened last night. That reminded me of another dream I had back in August. So let me rewind to August's dream, this was pre-wedding and pre-baby...

I had a dream that my mother was watching my kids and I had to meet them at the store to pick them up. Jack was about five or six years old. He was lanky but looked the same. Then there was an addition, in case you didn't pick up on the fact that I typed kids, There was a little girl. She was walking already so about 1.5 or two years old. She was wearing long shorts and a strappy shirt. She had her curly blond hair up in a messy ponytail, typical of most two year olds. My mom had one on each hand and was bringing them towards me.

This dream was so vivid. It didn't involve anything crazy, but I distinctly remember that image. I woke up and told my now husband. He laughed saying it would come true someday. I laughed and said, like hell it wont. Guess he knows better than I. I shared the dream with my mom she laughed and said it better not come true anytime soon..

Well, little did we all know that God had other plans. He knew exactly what was going on and I like to think he gave me a little glimpse into my future.

So last night I had a wasn't too crazy like most of my dreams have been. But it was vivid. It took place at my mom's house and lo and behold had that same little girl. She was reaching for some juice on top of the counter top.

I'm wondering if she is going to look ANYTHING like this little one in my dreams.

I never doubt the power of some dreams. Some are just crazy and no matter how much you try to make sense out of it you won't. Like the one the other day where my breast milk turned to red kool-aid. I'm sure you cant look that up in the dream dictionary.

Monday, March 22, 2010

33 weeks 6 days

I've got about about 6 weeks. Well, 6 weeks tomorrow. I cant believe it!

But really...I'm getting miserable. More and more and more each day. You really forget how trying this last month is. The entire pregnancy is like running a marathon, this last month being the half that burns the most but you know if you keep running there is the finish line straight ahead.

We have a 3D ultrasound tomorrow..last time we went she was so breeched the tech couldn't get a picture. She better have flipped..that's all I'm saying. If not then I am curious as to what is giving me so much pressure in the hoo hah. Yeah. I just called my vagina a hoo hah.

Also, whats with the incredible nesting urge? It was enjoyable at first...but now my house just doesn't even come close to looking clean to me. I once used to sweep shit under the rug and not feel bad. Now I have sweep everything up and vacuum that same damn rug and make sure every string is pointed correctly. grrrrrrrrr.

I can no longer take a bite of anything without instant heartburn. It's crazy. Who knew that milk could give you heartburn?

Plus, the worst thing..I'm walking like a damn penguin, er Waddling, like a damn penguin. I could seriously get the lead role in March of the Penguins II.

ok off to bed. Time to get at least 4 hours of interrupted sleep.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Baby O's Nursery

I never really got a nursery with Jack. He shared a room with me at the time so we just painted my room and put up his crib. Exciting, but not the same...

Today my aunt and grandma came over and with some help of my husband, we completely repainted her room and put everything in it's place. Everyone is accusing me of nesting...guess so. This is a good sign right? Sign that she is ALMOST here?

Everything looks absolutely perfect. I cannot wait for her to see it. Here are some pictures. It is still lacking some art work. I'm gonna be searching the Etsy pages to pick the perfect pictures to tie it all together.

Here are some pictures of the finished product. The color, which is hard to see in the pictures, is called Ballet White. It is a mixture of white & pink...I love the little hint of pink it gives, definitely not overkill.

Everything is done now all we need is her. :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Stick A Fork In Me

Last night was the labor portion of our birthing class. As an introduction, we had to say who we were, our doctor and an adjective describing how we felt.

Mine was DONE. Husband agreed...he's done too. This adjective meant more things than one. I'm done with being pregnant. I'm done with having kids and husband is done with me complaining. My list of complaints right now is far too long to blog about.

Now don't get me wrong. I think pregnancy is a beautiful thing. I consider myself extremely lucky to experience this miracle..I mean think about it, I'm growing a HUMAN. I can't even grow a plant. But I'm growing a human that will breathe and think and walk all on its own. She will even go onto being President of the United States one day. Just throwing the high expectations out now....

And while I love that we women get this super amazing gift...I'm just done.

I'm 33 weeks today. I have 7 more to go until my due date. This is considering she didn't get the eviction notice. She has about 30 days to make an appearance or else.

It's strange though...I was taking a shower earlier and it really came to me that I'm getting close to the end. I can see the finish line. The proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. If only she would drop a little, then I would finally be able to breathe.

I think more than anything, more than being done with being pregnant. I'm really anticipating holding my little girl. I'm done holding her in my belly...I'm ready to hold her in my arms.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring Has Sprung

Today marks the first day of Spring Break. Jack is off of school from now until March 22. Please help me find the strength...KIDDING

I'm looking forward to our mommy and Jack time, this is his last vacay until baby sister comes. I'm trying to come up with different activities for us to do. So far we went to the bank, got my car washed and went to Sonic. You know, what every kid wants to do on their Spring Break.

Right now he is taking a nap...mommy's favorite part of Spring Break. Kidding, again!

The weather is amazing here. Its sunny and so spring like. It makes me want to go to the lake or the beach. Think I could go down to South Padre Island and fit in? I don't think I'd stick out at all amongst the 1000s of skinny college girls..what do you think?

Hubby and I had a doctor's appointment last Wednesday. All looks good with Baby O. Heartbeat was nice and strong AND I have only gained 26 lbs total. This is quite the accomplishment. By this time with Jack I had gained over 40 lbs. and was still going... I'm actually really surprised. I've been eating like CRAZY. Not only have I been eating, but I have been thinking about food Facebook status' have been nothing but food related. I just noticed this embarrassing. to get a cookie.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

32 weeks

Today marks my 32nd week of being pregnant. Amazing if you ask me. Amazing that I've been a vessel for human growth, amazing that I made it to 32 after the scare at 29 and amazing that I haven't had a beer since August. I want one so bad. I swear I'm not an alcoholic, but now that its getting warm, a nice cold one sounds delish.

Last night hubby and I started our Labor classes. Unfortunately, the nurse who does the labor portion of the series was sick so they started it with the "What to do with a Newborn" class. The class we would have probably skipped..I think we both have changed our fair share of diapers.

So we sat through a 4 hour refresher course. Learned how to bathe, feed, swaddle and care for a newborn. As we were dressing our baby doll it really hit me. We are going to be doing this for real in a couple weeks. I'm gonna be honest, I panicked a little.

Lately, we have been wondering how this new child will fit into our family. How is Jackson going to take it? He seems excited now but that's because he isn't sharing our attention yet. We wonder how we will discipline a girl compared to a boy and have plenty of what if questions.

These next 8 weeks should fly by...I have my baby shower this Sunday. Exciting! Plus a lot of activities lined up for my little man. Well they better fly by, these baby kicks are getting extremely painful.

Friday, March 5, 2010

March Madness

This month is going to be so busy. Every single weekend we have something planned. But I'm looking at this as a plus since it will make this month go by faster. We are starting off this weekend with a much needed date night. It will more than likely be our last, so we are gonna take full advantage of it.

Tomorrow morning we have our 3D/4D Ultrasound scheduled. I'm SO excited to see Baby O again.

Next week we begin our labor classes. I know hubby is REALLY looking forward to these! Not...

We have doctor appointments every other week...I have my BABY SHOWER!!! next Sunday.

Hubby starts softball once a week...good timing huh? And Jack starts soccer...

Spring Break, which means I will have Jack alllllll week. I need to come up with some fun activities to keep him busy, plus it will give us some bonding time before his sister comes.

All this while I try my hardest to keep this little baby baking.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

31 weeks 1 day

I cannot believe I have about 9 weeks left in this pregnancy. I am trying to enjoy it the best I can since it will be MY LAST. I finally got my husband to agree that this is our last kid.

I've been nesting I think.. I never did it with Jack so I have no idea what it's like. We received a lot of hand me downs this last weekend so I have been washing and meticulously folding it all and putting it away for future use. I am quite amazed at my organizational skills. I never thought that Maegan and Organized would be used in the same sentence.

Husband and I start our labor classes next week. They are once a week for the next four weeks. I've already been to them, but he hasn't. I want him to be as prepared as possible. But he seems to hold up well in emergency situations so I am not to concerned with him. I wanted a refresher course. Not that I will remember a thing the lady tells me.. when that baby wants out you push, that's pretty much all you need to know about labor.

I read somewhere that I should begin massaging my perineum with olive oil now. It helps with the stretching down there and makes the baby easier to come out.. I read how to do it and it really weirds me out. I have been joking with my hubby that he needs to get on that, he flat out refuses. I don't blame him.. I wouldn't massage anything his butt hole to help anything come out smoother.. I'm gonna vomit.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Aaccchoooooooooooooooooooooo! I've been sick for the past 2 days. I'm freaking miserable. Just one more thing to deal with...Doesn't the big man up there know I have things to do? Have mercy on my husband.