Saturday, February 27, 2010

It's Finally Sinking In

Recent happenings have kicked our baby planning into full gear. We have been reminded everyday that there is indeed a baby on the way, one glance at my full belly and you get it. But I don't know if we were thinking that in a couple weeks the baby will be here. Outside the womb. At our house. A full blown baby..know what I mean?

So we decided to put together her room this weekend. Just in case...

The crib has been sitting in her room, in a heap, staring at us in the face. Anyone truly enjoy putting a crib together?! Ugh. Then hubby cleared the other junk that has been piling up. See, this room has been a bit of a storage space. Turning it into a usable baby room will be fun. And by fun I mean daunting.

I went shopping today and got a crib mattress and some fitted crib sheets. This one in particular:
Just the sheet though..not the whole set.

I also got some items I needed for my hospital bag.

This is getting so real. Hubby and I stood back and looked into the room today. I think I had to hold him up for a bit. It sunk in with him, come to think about it, he's been rather quiet ever since. It's finally sinking in.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Kissing My Owies

Jackson definitely knows that something is up with mama, but doesn't quite understand what. Shit, I don't even understand....

When he visited me in the hospital we pretty much told him that mommy had an owie. It worked.

Monday he was so excited to see me at home when he got back from school. I was sitting on the couch that night and he came to give me a kiss. I went to stand up immediately after the kiss and he said,

J: "Mommy, you're all better!"
M: "Yeah, Mommy does feel better."
J: "I kiss you and you stand up. See, all better!"

If it were only that easy my sweet Jack...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 1-Bed Rest

I've been laying in bed since last night. Until now..I have ventured to my couch. Needed a change of scenery.

So far I have:
-ate a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios
-watched t.v.
-emailed Dave Ramsey
-checked Facebook
-made lunch (Peanut Butter & Jelly, Raisins and Puffy Cheetohs)
-got dizzy, so I laid back down
-freaked out by the dizziness..called hubby
-He came home :)
-fell back asleep
-ate a granola bar
-Jack came home, this gave me some energy..
-Cuddled and watched cartoons with Jack in bed
-Internet guy came by and installed our wireless
-sat on couch and wrote new blog post

It has been a thrilling day. About as thrilling as it is to read this post. I haven't had to take my terbutaline pills at all. So that's good!

But I'm pretty upset I'm missing out on some San Antonio snow and IHOP's national pancake day. I missing out on a free short stack, wtf?!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sign of things to come?

These past three days have been extremely.....interesting. Being cooped up in a hospital room was not quite what I had in mind for this last weekend.

It all started Saturday night. I had just gotten back from a fun filled day of taking my maternity pictures, AWESOME! Might wanna check her amazing work here: Angela M Photography
Then went shopping and had lunch with my mom. We only hit up a couple stores because I wasn't feeling all that hot.

I got home and put some PJs on, typical protocol for when I walk in my front door, then snuggled up to my man on the couch. We were planning a big Saturday night for us these days, ya know, put the kid to sleep and watch a movie. Big Saturday out!

I noticed that I started having contractions...I just blew them off as Braxton Hicks contractions(fake contractions). I looked at the hubby and said,"Ya know? I get these a lot when I sit on this couch. I think I'm gonna try and lay down in bed to get them to go away." He was disappointed we were missing our home date but clearly understood. I laid down for a couple minutes when the suckers started to HURT. WTF? I was 29 weeks and 4 days. Not supposed to have labor pains..I began to time them. Something I haven't done up until that moment..They were about 7 min. apart. No bueno. We made a call to the Dr. and he pretty much told us to get my happy butt to the hospital. Awesome! not.

I was convinced it was nothing..even on the way up to the hospital I was making comments to my husband, "It's nothing, the nurses are gonna be annoyed with my false labor" or "Watch everything is gonna stop as soon as I get there, making me look like a dummy". Unfortunately it didn't happen like got worse.

I got checked in. They did all sorts of tests. One that proved I was in preterm labor and was already dilated at 1 cm. After that they drugged me up and got me to a labor and delivery room. By this time it was already 1 am. Hubby and I were both wide awake. Sleep was nowhere in our immediate future.

They started me on terbutaline aka this fucking sucks medicine. Doses go as follow: Shot in your arm: 1 for 3 in a row hours, Then 7 every 3 hours, then oral medicine every 4 hours. It makes your heart rate immediately go up for about an hour. Not something that someone with anxiety attacks looks forward to. These nurses thought I was crazy... So I pretty much got NO sleep for oh, 24+ hours. Hubby didn't either, he didn't want to sleep if I wasn't.. Insert Awwws here. But seriously, If it weren't for him I would have been a mess, or more of a mess than I already was.

So here I am. Monday morning. Still at the hospital. Still taking medicine. Still hooked up to an IV. Still mad I missed out on a beautiful Sunday. But happy to say the contractions have subsided and my sweet Baby O is still cooking. Hopefully she will stay put for another month.

So is this a sign of things to come with Baby O? Is she gonna be our difficult one? Or she gonna say "Haha! Got ya!" and stay put 2 weeks longer than her due date AND be over 10 lbs. Oh lord help us.

Friday, February 5, 2010

So it begins

Actually it started a long time ago, pelvic pain that is.

OMG. It feels like I gave birth to a semi truck. Nice mental image huh??

I am really trying hard not to look like a waddling fool, but I really cannot help it. I am waddling with every step. Just call me the human penguin lady.

I tried going to prenatal yoga. I would go religiously at the beginning of this pregnancy so I could avoid this pain. I knew it was inevitable pain since I had it BAD with Jackson. But alas, it has reared its ugly head and is now taking over. It hurts to go to yoga now. It hurts to walk..sit..lay. Anything. I still have 13 weeks of this shiz!

These babies have no idea what we go through...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

27th week

Why is it that I cannot put the fear into my child?

Let me re-phrase that.. I don't want my child to fear me per se, but know that when I, mommy, speak I mean business just like Daddy does. I just don't understand. Growing up, both my parents were easy... They know this. Its not exactly a family secret. I knew that if I whined enough or did things enough that nothing would happen. I wouldn't get spanked, etc. But that is not gonna fly with Jack.

Sorry Mom and Dad! Hindsight IS 20/20

I can tell him 20, 000, 000 times not to jump on the couch and he will do it when he thinks I am not looking. But if daddy says it, he sits there like a perfect little angel. Doesn't even put his feet on the couch. WTF?

What is in men's voices that we women don't have?

I am stern with him and I always follow through.. granite, he may have two or more chances before I really spank his butt. But still! I just don't get it.. gets annoying. I want to be taken serious too, ya know? I wanna feel validated damnit!

on baby news-
I am 27 weeks and according to some publications I am now in my 3rd trimester. Last one! No more trimesters after this.

I gave myself a panic attack yesterday at the thought that there is no turning back now. I have to get this baby out of me somehow. I guess since I know what to expect, I am even more so freaked out about labor. I remember with Jacks, it was a lot easier than I expected. But every labor is different.

Little things like this have been freaking me OUT. Example,

I was doing dishes the other night, Husband watching t.v. (typical), Jack was in bed and the dog was laying at my feet. It was pretty much a calm evening. I thought about the fact that in 13 weeks OR LESS, this quietness will be NON EXISTENT. I will more than likely be pulling out my hair crying in a corner in 13 weeks OR LESS.

But for real, there will be no more quiet evenings. Or quiet mornings. Or non hectic, relaxing days. No more days off consisting of lounging on the couch watching a movie. No more reading a a relaxing book. NO MORE SLEEP.

The very thought makes me think twice about this whole baby stuff. Cant we just give birth to 3 year olds? (shuddddder)

I crawled into bed after my mini panic attack moment and asked hubby if he too was nervous about all that I just mentioned. His answer was quick and precise, "Not At All".

Yeah...we shall see buddy!