Thursday, April 23, 2009

It is Crunch Time

So.... I did it. I really, really did it. I signed up with a personal trainer. I have a personal trainer for the next 6 months. How awesome is that?!? I think it is stinkin awesome. I think I may have the eating under control.. kinda, I really need to watch my chocolate chip cookie intake. But other than that I think I am doing better.

But something super frustrating about having a naturally slow metabolism? Changing your diet does squat. The only liquid I take in is water. I no longer drink anything with caffeine
(for personal reasons) So no soda, coffee or tea. This has been since December.

How much have I lost because of this? NOTHING.

I stopped eating meat...for a whole month. How much have I lost because of this? NOTHING.

It is getting a TAD frustrating...

So I decided add some exercise into the mix. I am really doing it because I want to feel healthier. I want to be able to walk up a flight of stairs and not be out of breath. I don't think that should be happening at 23 years of age..just saying...

But who are we kidding, Mommy also wants a TIGHT ASS!

So I hope to follow up with my success or unsuccessful attempts at being a MILF.

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