It seems as if my lovely two year old is really trying to out do all the terrible two stigmas that this young age has. Like he is saying, "Oh you think that is terrible? How about THIS!"
It is a whole lot of testing mom's patience and almost none of being good.
He is into doing the exact opposite of what you tell him. Throwing his toys around the living room, on purpose. Gurgling anything liquid, while we are out in public.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you ask him to get or do something he replies, "No! YOU get it!" While crossing his arms and stomping his foot. Attitude runs a plenty in his little body. Don't let his sweat demeanor full you, he is full of anger. He is about as angry as any two year old I have ever come into contact with.
He acts as if he was chained up, underneath the stairs for the first half of his life. Or like I wake him up with a spanking or something...
Please tell me this is a stage.
Yeah, its a stage...but...umm...I think three's worse.
Sorry Maegan but I have to comment on this blog. He is not a horrible two year old. He is learning and growing and learning how to be independent. I don't think you are seeing the same little boy I see. Jack is a very sweet little boy and always trying to make you laugh. Sure he is going to try to get away with things, that is how they learn. Are you forgetting your cousins at that age? Oh yeah, I also remember a little girl that tried to pull some of the same things and she grew up OK. Jack is not an angry boy but a very active one with so much life and so much independence. Enjoy every moment with him dear because before you know it he will be grown and out on his own as the time goes by so quickly.
Go on, Nana! :) Thanks for your perspective. :)
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