Thank goodness for my iPhone because I capture quite a bit of funny things that my two year old painting his own toes. You saw, you know what I mean. Here are a few more that I uploaded earlier and couldn't help showing you all.
Here is Jack showing off his barbie in his diaper. I mentioned in another blog post that he likes to do this for some reason...he thinks its where it goes. Question..Why does he think it goes there? Bigger Question..Why does my son have a barbie?

This is the awesome train set that Santa brought him. I brought it upstairs to his room and put it together for him on his train table. It took me an hour of blood, sweat and tears to get that thing together.. took him 2 seconds to destroy it all. At least I have a picture to prove that it was together...once.

Here he is in his car seat.. we were waiting in the car at IHOP because the wait was 20 minutes...This was the only way to keep him content..fill him with sugar.

Here he is watching Oswald or Barney or get the idea. I thought it was a perfect quiet, rare, moment. Excuse my messy room.

Last, but not is Jack making a dirt angel at a local restaurant. I love how the picture I am casting looks like the Virgin Mary... I call this master piece, "Fallen Angel".

Cute pictures!
(Is that one day?!)
No.. that would be an exhausting day! It's over a week in a half.. I just never upload my phone pics.
Love the photos. That is so Jack! Quiet one minute and then all over the place the next. Especially like that dirt angel. Heard he and Evan had fun playing in the dirt. You have such a beautiful little boy Maegan and he brings so much joy to this family. I know you are so proud of him. Enjoy these moments as one day he will be grown and you will wonder where the time went.
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