Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
"Hope Over Fear"

I'm not sure if it was the speech that gave me chills or rather just being in the moment. This is one of those days I will think back and remember where I was. Unfortunately, I was driving in my car on the way to work.. not so romantic, but still astounding none the less. I HOPE that his actions are stronger than his words and I HOPE for new beginnings. Obama! Obama!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Dear Jackson,
It seems as though the month of January has brought more things than just a new president of the United States. You have fully grasped what it means to be 2. And you seem to want to live being 2, to its fullest.
You love to manhandle the dogs. Your personal favorite is Coco. I think it is because she is the smallest, its apparently human nature to pick on the runt of the group. Every morning you wake up crying out for her or Sissi (Pixie). I think its a love/hate relationship. You love to pull her tail and she hates you.
You have also been very interested in yelling in my face. This is fun..NOT. When I tell you no, you tell me no back. When I tell you to go to time out, you tell me no. When I pretty much tell you to do anything, you tell me no. Yeah, this has got to stop. I'm the only one disciplining you, get used to it..I'm all you got.
You are also very curious lately. Touching, pulling, tasting, yanking EVERYTHING in sight. You mostly like to do it after I tell you not to, and you LOVE to do it when I am looking directly at you. It brings you such a thrill.
But just so you know.. that even though you can irk me more than once a day, that I love you dearly. All you have to do is laugh and it makes me give in . So keep laughing.. keep living.. but please stop licking everyone. That's kinda weird..not gonna lie.
Your Mommy
Friday, January 16, 2009
Ahhh the wise words of Dwight Schrute has stuck me to the core once again. I think I will be singing this little diddy to Jackson every night...
FOUND IT! Click it!
Learn Your Rules
FOUND IT! Click it!
Learn Your Rules
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Education is Key
So I started another chapter in my life this year...its actually a chapter that was on a To Be Continued type of pause. But exciting none the less. I started school... I know you are thinking, umm haven't you been at school for the past two years? Yeah I have. But this is a real life university. Heck yeah!
Somethings I have learned so far:
1. I stare at people. All the freaking time and get caught. It is kinda embarrassing. You think I would learn the first time..but nope.. I keep on staring.
2. My 2D teacher looks like a Simpson character. Preferably Mr.Burns when he was about 25.
3.Parking sucks at all school campus...always upgrade to premium parking.
4.Research a little about your campus so you don't look like a moron, aka like me.
5. Undergrad class times suck.
6. I have Adult ADD and cannot sit for long periods of time without moving.
That's all for now.
Somethings I have learned so far:
1. I stare at people. All the freaking time and get caught. It is kinda embarrassing. You think I would learn the first time..but nope.. I keep on staring.
2. My 2D teacher looks like a Simpson character. Preferably Mr.Burns when he was about 25.
3.Parking sucks at all school campus...always upgrade to premium parking.
4.Research a little about your campus so you don't look like a moron, aka like me.
5. Undergrad class times suck.
6. I have Adult ADD and cannot sit for long periods of time without moving.
That's all for now.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Ray of Sunshine
Some days I feel as though life is at a stand still. That there are all types of things going on around me and I just cant seem to catch on to any of it. Kind of like I keep getting stuck at all the red lights. Or like the tickets run out right when I get to the front to buy one. Does that make any sense?
I got stopped today while I was pumping gas and this complete stranger told me that I looked really fun. That, because I was laughing at a hilarious text message, that I was going to have a good day. That he wished he had someone like me, to bring light into his day, everyday. Nice huh?
I really, couldn't help but laugh, because I mostly feel like the little grey rain cloud that follows people around, and here was this complete stranger that said I was rather a ray of sunshine. Really?
I don't know if its the lack of spontaneity that is missing. Or perhaps the feeling of always being inadequate. Whoa, I bet you didn't know you were signing up for my own personal therapy session...
I guess I just feel that I am not living the life I signed up for. Everyone has pitfalls, road blocks, diversions. I guess I am just in need of something new. If I wasn't totally against it at the moment, this is where I would usually insert a new daring haircut.
So I am ready world.. bring it on.. something new. Something engaging and excited. Bring. It.
I got stopped today while I was pumping gas and this complete stranger told me that I looked really fun. That, because I was laughing at a hilarious text message, that I was going to have a good day. That he wished he had someone like me, to bring light into his day, everyday. Nice huh?
I really, couldn't help but laugh, because I mostly feel like the little grey rain cloud that follows people around, and here was this complete stranger that said I was rather a ray of sunshine. Really?
I don't know if its the lack of spontaneity that is missing. Or perhaps the feeling of always being inadequate. Whoa, I bet you didn't know you were signing up for my own personal therapy session...
I guess I just feel that I am not living the life I signed up for. Everyone has pitfalls, road blocks, diversions. I guess I am just in need of something new. If I wasn't totally against it at the moment, this is where I would usually insert a new daring haircut.
So I am ready world.. bring it on.. something new. Something engaging and excited. Bring. It.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Lessons Learned
Monday, January 5, 2009
Jack in Pictures
Thank goodness for my iPhone because I capture quite a bit of funny things that my two year old does...like painting his own toes. You saw, you know what I mean. Here are a few more that I uploaded earlier and couldn't help showing you all.
This is the awesome train set that Santa brought him. I brought it upstairs to his room and put it together for him on his train table. It took me an hour of blood, sweat and tears to get that thing together.. took him 2 seconds to destroy it all. At least I have a picture to prove that it was together...once.

Here he is in his car seat.. we were waiting in the car at IHOP because the wait was 20 minutes...This was the only way to keep him content..fill him with sugar.

Here he is watching Oswald or Barney or something..you get the idea. I thought it was a perfect quiet, rare, moment. Excuse my messy room.
Here is Jack showing off his barbie in his diaper. I mentioned in another blog post that he likes to do this for some reason...he thinks its where it goes. Question..Why does he think it goes there? Bigger Question..Why does my son have a barbie?
Here he is in his car seat.. we were waiting in the car at IHOP because the wait was 20 minutes...This was the only way to keep him content..fill him with sugar.
Here he is watching Oswald or Barney or something..you get the idea. I thought it was a perfect quiet, rare, moment. Excuse my messy room.
Two Year Olds Are AWESOME
My son found his calling. Good thing is, it involves wearing a mask and gloves. He wanted to practice on himself before embarking his new talent on the world.
I know you are probably thinking surgeon or something awesome like that...but nope,
its Nail Technician....
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year's Yall!!!
So I rang in the new year with some friends over a couple hundred beers. I journeyed to the middle of my downtown chaos and braved the crowds. Needless to say, I ingested way too much Dos XX and I am paying the price today. I am ringing in 2009 with a headache, exhaustion and a tummy ache.
But its okay.. hope everyone out there in Internet land had a happy and safe new years. Here is what I hope 2009 brings.
1. I hope I continue to make good grades. I really need to get into the teachers certification program... I need ALL A's!
2. I want Jackson the Terrible to realize that being bad sucks and listening to mom totally rocks.
3. I want to eat less cookie dough and more raw vegetables.
4. I want to be content in whatever relationship I am in..whether it be with someone else or with myself.
5. I want to be healthy. This means I need to work out... and quit eating the crap.
6. I need to save save save... I have to get my own place soon.. jeez I am almost 25. Which is almost 30. Most people have their shit together by 30.. I hope to fit in with the norm.
7. I want to grow my hair out. Which means I need the strength to not cut my hair.
8. I need to yell less.. its not healthy. The stress level I have is just not healthy people.
9. I want to begin to potty train Jack. This diaper thing has got to stop. NOW. 3 diapers a day, everyday for the past 25 months... that's approx. 2250 diaper changes. That is just crazy.
10. I also want to sleep train Jack. Enough sleeping in MY bed.
So those are my 2009 resolutions.
Now here are some things I learned in 2008..(thanks Natalia)
1. Good friends are good for the soul. They keep you grounded.
2. Gallbladders are unnecessary and should be removed before they cause pain that reaches level 10 on the pain scale. My face totally looked like that smiley face on the chart.
3. If there is a bar within 10 feet from a Walmart, do not expect the atmosphere to be any more awesome than a Walmart at 3:00 am. Including little babies with no shoes.
4. My car likes to suck at life and it does it oh so well.
5. Never quit going to school after High School. If you do and then go back, you feel like a total loser.
6. Sarah does have big boobs.
7. I think living with someone should be an essential first step before marriage.
8. Its ok to be comfortable in your own skin. Even if that skin has numerous stretch marks.
9. Smoking mass amount of marijuana as a teenager will totally effect you later on in life. wait...whats that word I am looking for?
10. In my vast search for finding a boy that will love me unconditionally for who I am and not who they want me to be, I was foolish... he has been here all along and his name is Jackson.
Happy New Year everyone!!
But its okay.. hope everyone out there in Internet land had a happy and safe new years. Here is what I hope 2009 brings.
1. I hope I continue to make good grades. I really need to get into the teachers certification program... I need ALL A's!
2. I want Jackson the Terrible to realize that being bad sucks and listening to mom totally rocks.
3. I want to eat less cookie dough and more raw vegetables.
4. I want to be content in whatever relationship I am in..whether it be with someone else or with myself.
5. I want to be healthy. This means I need to work out... and quit eating the crap.
6. I need to save save save... I have to get my own place soon.. jeez I am almost 25. Which is almost 30. Most people have their shit together by 30.. I hope to fit in with the norm.
7. I want to grow my hair out. Which means I need the strength to not cut my hair.
8. I need to yell less.. its not healthy. The stress level I have is just not healthy people.
9. I want to begin to potty train Jack. This diaper thing has got to stop. NOW. 3 diapers a day, everyday for the past 25 months... that's approx. 2250 diaper changes. That is just crazy.
10. I also want to sleep train Jack. Enough sleeping in MY bed.
So those are my 2009 resolutions.
Now here are some things I learned in 2008..(thanks Natalia)
1. Good friends are good for the soul. They keep you grounded.
2. Gallbladders are unnecessary and should be removed before they cause pain that reaches level 10 on the pain scale. My face totally looked like that smiley face on the chart.
3. If there is a bar within 10 feet from a Walmart, do not expect the atmosphere to be any more awesome than a Walmart at 3:00 am. Including little babies with no shoes.
4. My car likes to suck at life and it does it oh so well.
5. Never quit going to school after High School. If you do and then go back, you feel like a total loser.
6. Sarah does have big boobs.
7. I think living with someone should be an essential first step before marriage.
8. Its ok to be comfortable in your own skin. Even if that skin has numerous stretch marks.
9. Smoking mass amount of marijuana as a teenager will totally effect you later on in life. wait...whats that word I am looking for?
10. In my vast search for finding a boy that will love me unconditionally for who I am and not who they want me to be, I was foolish... he has been here all along and his name is Jackson.
Happy New Year everyone!!
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