He is pretty much the funniest toddler I know and his requests have become more and more odd.
For instance, one night he woke up from a dead sleep wanting the flashlight that was on my t.v. stand across the room. I told him no and to go back to sleep. This of course started the whining and crying and for my own sanity, I retrieved the beloved light. I had to turn it on of course, duh mom! Then he cradled it and ended up falling asleep with it like it was some sort of fluffy stuffed dog. I had to wait a good ten minutes until I knew he was asleep asleep, before I could turn it off and pry it from his baby hands.
This foggy picture you see to the right is another odd request he has made while being half asleep. I had taken off his socks, because it was rather steaming hot in my room. This made him sit straight up and cry for his socks. Which he normally hates wearing... So of course, to save my sanity, I handed him the socks. He proceeded to put them on his hands..then fell asleep. Yup, those are socks on his hands people... socks. on hands. The newest baby trend.
The most odd of all the toddler requests I have received has to do with a barbie. I did not buy my son a barbie. Promise. But for some reason a naked one has appeared in his toy box. But that's not the weird part.. its what he wants to do with it. If he sees it, he brings it to me and demands that I stick it in his diaper, the back part. So there is a naked barbie, sticking out of his diaper. He thinks its hilarious and it kinda is...
Really the list goes on and on... I think I have a funny guy on my hand. Which is totally awesome. I am curious though where he got the idea of putting barbie in his diaper... I promise I did not teach him that one!
Lily puts socks on her hands too. Can't say the same about barbie in the diaper though lol! What and awesome age 2 is!
That little Jackson is a character and such a funny little guy. Enjoy these years because before you know it he will be grown and you will look back wondering where the years went.
I do remember his mother being a little ham as well so it must come natural for him.
LOL! So funny!!
I love this kid. Please take a pic and put it in the file of Blackmailing Jack, along with the pic of him in mama's super cute heels.
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