It's 11 pm and I should either be A) sleeping or B) studying. B is way more important at this moment and A is nearly impossible. But I would rather be in cyber world, entertaining myself. Not like that, gross!
So I am currently in the middle of a break up as if you couldn't tell by my melancholy post yesterday. Sorry for the sob story... I know there are way worst things going on in the world right now that are more important than me breaking up with my boyfriend. Like world hunger, the current economic crisis or Heidi and Spencer. But when your amidst the chaos you get sucked into your own world and forget about things around you. It is like a mini relationship black hole.
I have decided to move back with my parents. I am jumping for joy as I type these words out. Really. I am. But parents house isn't hell and neither are they. My family is actually quite funny and cool to be around, that is if my sister is sitting on the couch with duct tape over her mouth. Kidding...
But my current sleeping situation has to sucketh the most. Ya know how I said Jackson is still sleeping next to me? Well that hasn't changed, but add sharing a twin bed in the mix. Yeah, I said twin, like the ones you get in cramped college dorm rooms. But thankfully this one hasn't been pissed on due to drunken comas.
But just imagine it for a minute. Take a minute out of your busy day and imagine sharing a bed with a toddler. Yeah... its that painful. Literally, I got punched in my nose last night as he was turning into one of his MANY positions he sleeps in.
But regardless of my sleeping situation, the entire transition I am going through is kinda tough. All I know is I really needed that laugh session I just had with my sister and mom. They were helping me study for Phys. Geography and for some reason our conversation turned into global warming induced by Methane gas caused by Human beings...and why that isn't listed in the Gore movie.....
But really...farts? Don't you think that is an inconvenient truth?
I think moving in with your parents is a great idea.
I have no idea how you sleep with Jackson! Lily tosses all night, kicks me in the face, wraps her arms around my neck. Sometimes I let her fall asleep with me if she's having a rough night but I count down the minutes until I can move her to her own bed!
Is it me, or do a strangely large number of our family conversations turn into fart jokes????
I have actually thought of this before today...
Love Ya
well farts=funny in my book..
Maegan. I remember when you were a toddler and you would spend the night at my house and sleep in our bed with us. We have this huge king size bed and I just knew there was always plenty of room. Well even with all this room you always managed to roll all over the place, place your left across my neck until I woke up choking,would end up turned totally around and at the other end of the bed, but you know I would never change those moments for anything. See even today I still remember and still get a good laugh over it. Enjoy these moments as they will be gone in a flash and you will look back one day and wish Jackson were a toddler again.
I do agree with one of your responses from Krystle that said after they fall asleep you put them in their own bed. You need to do that as he does have a toddler bed.
I am so glad you have decided to move back home and you are right - you come from a great family who loves you and has always supported you. How lucky you are.
Your Nana
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