Could this be true?!?!?!?
This is a new section of my blog... I will post the most shocking, duh! moments of the week.
This one is sure to bring crazy old ladies down to their knees to pray. It is true...all the good looking men are either gay or married.
By the way...totally gagging on the good looking comment I made, because he is far from it.
LOL I really could care less if he's gay!
Yeah...I knew this guy was gay. And I gagged when you said he was good looking. EW!
I haven't read your blog in some time and decided to read it tonight. I went back and read them all and have to say I have just used my 3rd Kleenex to dab my eyes from the tears of laughter. You have such a knack for writing and you have been that way since you were little.
Oh by the way I am the grandmother who you state the older I get the more right wing I get. Honey sorry to tell you but I have always voted for who I think will do the best job. Unfortunately per you most of my votes have gone to Republicans even though we have many relatives in Chicago Democratic politics for many years. Yes this year I am voting for McCain and I won't go into details of why since politics tends to always bring up discussions that turn in to yelling but I have lived many years to know. Remember that times were going pretty good until everyone wanted "change", well we got that change when they voted in a Democratic Congress and look where we are today. You can not blame it all on Bush if you know how politics run. So if it is change you want with Obama then change you will get, but just hold on to your boot straps. One day I will be gone but I do still have hopes and dreams for my grandchildren and great grandchildren and I worry about what the future holds if we don't get back to some basics and stop being so crazy!
As for Clay, I think he is sweet and no one can really say they didn't think he was gay? Who cares as long as he is happy and is able to live the life he wants to live. We are only on the earth one time and we should all be ourselves and stop worrying about what other people think.
I love you more than life itself.
Maegan, you've been tagged. Go to my blog to get the rules!
I'm sorry you couldn't read my blog....weird! Here's the rules:
Here are the rules:
Each blogger must post these rules.
Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves.
Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their ten things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names.
Dont forget to leave them a comment telling them they have been tagged and to read your blog.
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