I've still got it in me! My friend came over for dinner tonight. She just had a baby girl 3 weeks ago...and my friend looks amazing already *cough* bitch. Just kidding, I knew she would have no problem bouncing back when she did gorge herself with chocolate chip cookie's drenched in chocolate syrup with sprinkles on top. I thought everyone did this! no?
She would say, "I'm soo starving". Then proceed to chop up fruit. Seriously.. I am only hoping my next child is a vegan. I can't do the chocolate chip cookie aka heaven, again. At least that's what my ass tells me.
I get the baby jitters every time she comes by. I want to hold her, her being Ella-the baby, the whole time. I feel for my friend and want to help out as much as I can. Because having a newborn is a miracle and joyous occasion that is topped with spit up and scheduling poops. It is easy to get sucked into baby world and every now and then you need a helping hand to pull you out of the goo goo ga ga quicksand.
My friend was getting kinda tired tonight and a little on the annoyed side because Ella just would not stop fussing. She went down the "calm" list.. bottle! fail... paci! fail... burp! fail... bounce up and down like a mad woman!fail... She wanted to throw in the towel and call it a night. This is the part that I come in.
I said,"You should swaddle her!" I got out Jack's old hospital blankie and bundled her up like the little burrito she is. I put some hot sauce on her and then patted and shushhhhed her right to sleep. Ok, one of those things I didn't do.. but you get it.
I am happy to know that I still got it! Hopefully I don't lose it in 6 years.... now pass over my chocolate chip cookies!
you won't lose it. :)
oh, i'm your sister in the cookie love.
I loved reading this. Isn't it funny how no one person can prepare you for motherhood, no matter how much advice your given. I want to thank you for being such an understanding and patient friend. I know I was one of those people out there who would give advice and had no clue. Well, lets just say i had another thing coming.
love ya crazy : )
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