So today it hit me. I was watching the George Lopez show, which I am sure you didnt know was so insightful, but it is. George was talking about one of his kids, Carmen or Max...I dunno, and he said something about how he they were a baby he raised them and then he wanted them to leave like every child does. This is when it hits me. Jackson is not going to be baby for much longer and someday he is going to leave me. How depressing is that?
Yes, he may frustrate the heck out of me when I know he is exhausted but all he wants to do is jump from pillow to pillow and laugh. Or it may be frustrating that he cant sit still through an entire meal, just one time. Or the fact that his favorite thing to do in the whole wide world, it seems, is to push the buttons on the t.v.-he especially LOVES to do this at the climax of any show you are watching at the moment.
But honestly, how lucky am I to even get to experience this stuff with him? Really. If I do say so myself. But its the same for every mother not just me.
It already seems that I blinked and he is 15 months old. Sooner or later I am going to blink and he will be 10, then blink again and he will be 18..and so on and so on. You get the picture. It is like that Kenny Chesney song, "Dont Blink"
Now I am doing something I told myself I wouldn't do...get all sappy in my blogs. Well for the time being I am going to try and enjoy my time with him now and cherish everything that he has to offer. I am also going to look into getting one of those devices that eyedoctors use during laser eye surgery.....ya know, so I dont have to blink anymore.
Yes, he may frustrate the heck out of me when I know he is exhausted but all he wants to do is jump from pillow to pillow and laugh. Or it may be frustrating that he cant sit still through an entire meal, just one time. Or the fact that his favorite thing to do in the whole wide world, it seems, is to push the buttons on the t.v.-he especially LOVES to do this at the climax of any show you are watching at the moment.
But honestly, how lucky am I to even get to experience this stuff with him? Really. If I do say so myself. But its the same for every mother not just me.
It already seems that I blinked and he is 15 months old. Sooner or later I am going to blink and he will be 10, then blink again and he will be 18..and so on and so on. You get the picture. It is like that Kenny Chesney song, "Dont Blink"
Now I am doing something I told myself I wouldn't do...get all sappy in my blogs. Well for the time being I am going to try and enjoy my time with him now and cherish everything that he has to offer. I am also going to look into getting one of those devices that eyedoctors use during laser eye surgery.....ya know, so I dont have to blink anymore.
haha Maegan.. laser eye surgery eh?
Its so true..and I love that song Don't Blink
Think how I feel that my granddaughter (you) is now a mother of her own and it was just yesterday that you were standing on my fireplace using it as a stage and singing to anyone who would listen. It was just yesterday that you were 3 years old and now look at you. Time goes by so quickly so make the most of it and enjoy it.
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