I hit this year off with a bang. I spent time with some old buddies for New Years and realized that I was so far beyond the house party phase. As we stood around the keg and they passed around a joint, I was longing for my baby. I spent the entirety of that party showing off my son's picture on my camera phone. Nobody understood....but this was definitely the precursor to what the year had to offer.
February came and went. It was another lousy Valentines Day. But I did discover that I will never again be lonely on this lonely overly commercialized holiday. I have an automatic Valentine every year...Jackson! I cant wait to get cut out hearts that say I love you mom! oooo I cant wait!
March-May..not much. I was struggling to lose the pounds I gained during my pregnancy. But it really has been an uphill battle. By May I had lost 30 lbs of the 50lbs I put on. I still have a long way to go. Jack was already 5 months. He was no longer a "newborn" but just a baby. He was losing that newborn look and smell. YES newborns have a smell...and unless you are a mother you will not understand. My friends think I am weird because I say I miss it.
June was the month of my 22nd birthday! I wanted it to be grandioso.. I was unable to really party hard for my 21st...considering I was creating life and all.. My best friend and I share the same birthday so we decided to party it up at a local bar. Friends and family came and it was great. I am always worried nobody will show up to my parties. Guess it stems from some long lost childhood memory. But people did show and it was good. $300 later...I was knocked on my butt by Capt. Morgan himself. I did reunite with some old friends...one in particular that would play a big part in my life at the end of the year.
July-August..Jackson was now crawling. This definitely made life more interesting! He kept me on my toes for sure. I was finishing up summer school with all A's! I didn't even have to sleep with my professors for those grades. yeah!
September-October- Had some school issues and I got sweet revenge on my arch enemy, ahem, 5 times. That is our little secret though.
November- Jack's first birthday!!! I could not believe how quickly a year went by. He was a normal walking and talking human being..thriving on toddler cookies and banana puffs.
Its now December. I have a great boyfriend. I did great in school this last semester and again got all A's. I did sleep with the teacher this time...kidding! I have a great job. I am in good health and I have a WONDERFUL son!!!! Life couldn't be any sweeter.
Thank You to everyone involved. Thank You for every one's help...I couldn't have lasted through without you..Here is to letting go of 2007 and embracing 2008!! Happy New Year!!