Saturday, May 21, 2011

2011 can suck it

So far 2011 has been dissapointment after dissapointement. Im hoping to turn that around from here on out. Im putting it out there.. 2011 you WILL be better from now until...forever. Take that! But really, Im expecting big things from you 2011.. good things.

Anyway, another semestter done. I've only got about 40 more college hours to go.. at this rate I should be done before the next Apocalypse.

So what's new in my world..
My husband got a new job.. Winning!
Livi is now a mobile human being, she walks upright like the best of us.. Winning!
Jack cut off his Justin Bieber locks...Winning!
Haley got voted off American Idol.. NOT Winning! Come on America!

I've been kinda bumming around since school got out.. laying low. Well actually I've been sort of wrapped up in family situations. My beautiful grandmother who was diagnosed two years ago with stage 4 breast cancer fell ill and passed away. I say suddenly, but we should have known it was coming at some point.. chemo wasn't working and the cancer kept spreading.

Cancer.. it sucks. I am so amazed that we cannot crack this enigma. We can send people to the moon, we can figure out how to send bits of information to who knows where(aka the Internet), we can kill Osama..but we cannot crack the cancer code. It really bums me out.

I am trying to join the real estate world.. trying. It is hard. I don't usually ever have to study. Things just kind of come naturally to me. Not this. Please do not ask me what an escheat is or what eminent domain means. Because I wont know. Even though I have been trying to study in the midst of all my drama... It just will not stick in my brain. Nothing will. It is like as soon as school lets out my brain shuts off. It goes on vacation.. hopefully somewhere tropical. I need some sun.