Jack, Jack, Jack. I love him..he is my first born and will always hold a special place in my heart. He is however being exceptionally three lately. I don't understand the term "terrible twos". It should be "HORRENDOUS AWFUL TEMPER TANTRUM THREES". He has been home with me everyday this summer. This has proven two things to me.. A) Im not made up for this staying at home mom stuff and B) Jack was born with cotton in his ears, this would explain why I have to repeat myself over and over and over again for him to understand what I am saying.
He has however been a huge help with the baby...as much as a 3 year old can help. He is awesome at throwing away diapers. He loves his baby sister with a deep passion. More so than any sibling i have ever seen. He wants to constantly hold her and kiss her, its kinda cute. Something I will be reminding him when she is 13 and wants to tag along where ever he goes.
Just the other night I was re-tucking him into bed, he always looks so peaceful when he sleeps. So peaceful that just by the looks of him you would never suggest that he just got finish running a moc, creating a cloud of chaos where he ran. He slept with me for the first 2 years of his life so I decided to slip into bed with him for a little bit and snuggle. I whispered into his little ear, "Goodnight baby". He responded, " Goodnight mommy". Then I whispered, " I love you" and he replied so quiet and sleepily, "Mommy".."Yes, son".. " My butt itches"
Awe. So sweet. He is definitely a boy.