I've been watching a ridiculously large amount of home makeover shows. I'm sure my husband finds this thrilling(NOT!) I am completely in love with the show Color Splash.. I wish that David Bromstad could come and redo my living room and kitchen...ah I would be in HEAVEN.
But I guess I can settle for my husband.. he can take his shirt off while he is working to give it the Bromstad touch.
I really wish I had a huge windfall so I could invest in some bad ass home up dos. Lately this is my list:
- redo front door. I want to stain it a darker color I think it will be a nice contrast to the blond wood floors we have.
- Butcher block counter tops. I found the ones I want at IKEA
- New kitchen appliances. Mainly refrigerator and dish washer.. in stainless steel finish
- Re-paint kitchen
- Refinish the kitchen cabinets
- Paint our master bathroom
- Turn study/extra room into Baby's room
- New fence in the back yard.
Is that SO much to ask for?!!? Didn't think so....
Would you categorize this as nesting? or just being plain crazy?
I've also decided that I wanna write. Maybe its a part of this creative bug I got. I want to write a novel. That shouldn't be so hard either right? While maintaining my household and my sanity...also include write best selling novel to the list. I can do it.. I like to keep myself on my toes. Keep life interesting, ya know? Its too short to be unfulfilling.