Tuesday, October 13, 2009

29 More Weeks

My bun in the oven is officially 11 weeks today. I have 29 weeks to go. My poor poor husband. I feel as though my hormones ran into me with a semi truck going 11000 miles an hour. Can anyone relate? One minute I was a sleepy, lazy human being. Now I am bipolar, makes for interesting moments in our house. We should have our own reality t.v. show called, "Diary of a Mad White Woman".

Anything and everything is making me cry. Even the Dr. Oz show made me cry. I don't need to know much of a story line..just need to see one touching moment, then TEARS. It's insane.

I almost murdered my husband last night for something silly. My alibi, "But your honor, you see...that SOB knocked me up. End of story." Think it would hold up?

Baby O, which is what my fetus will be called from here on out, is now 2 inches long. Imagine that...funny. Can you believe we were all only 2 inches at one point? Weird. That's one of those questions that would boggle my stoner friend's mind. Anyway, this week Baby O wasn't compared to a fruit in my expecting email. I'm thinking a big chocolate covered strawberry. Like the ones from Godiva, YUM!

On to my Jackson..

I'm loving this age. The independence factor is AMAZING. He does everything on his own, besides wipe his own ass. Which we are working on. I'm just thrilled I will be getting a 9 month break from poo.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Growing Bones

Im officially 10 weeks along. Im not quite out of the scary first trimester. I have two weeks to go. I read somewhere that the baby is the size of a prune. I have an email sent to me every week telling me about the progress the baby is making and it always compares it to a different fruit.

Once it was a raspberry..then last week it was a grape. Now a prune. Appetizing.

Thankfully I haven't had any morning sickness, yet. It was completely different when I was pregnant with Jack. I was CONSTANTLY getting sick..morning, noon and night. Other than the occasional round ligament pain, I haven't really had that many pregnancy symptoms. Other than the fact that I look about 6 months pregnant. I know you show earlier with every pregnancy..but really? this much?

Now onto my first born. Jack has been hilarious lately. He totallllly gets that from his mommy. Daddy thinks he's funny. Not so much.

Yesterday he saw my bra laying on the table..ya know, the prime spot for any undergarment to go, right? So this was our convo:

J: "Mommy, I want boobs!"
M: my back turned,"HUH?!"
J:"I wanna wear boobs!"

I then noticed my bra...geez. I sense therapy in his future.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Life did a 180

Its amazing what can happen in a little over two months. That was the last time I felt inspired enough to blog. Really, its the last time I had time to sit in front of my computer for more than 5 minutes.

Well for starters..I got married.

Im sure everyone who reads this..or used to read it, knows this tidbit of information. It was amazing. Not only the ceremony but just finally finding someone that I want to spend the rest of my life with..that's amazing.

If someone would have told me 6 months ago that I was gonna get married this year I would have laughed in their face!

So my husband and I have been dating for 3 months..married for a week. I like to keep things interesting. Life is too short to be so predictable.


We are expecting baby #2.

This blog is gonna take that turn...gonna turn into a pregnancy blog. Pregnant with one crazy 3 year old blog. Pregnant, with 3 year old, newlywed, going insane kinda blog. Prepare yourself.

Baby#2 is due May 4. Im 9 weeks along. With 231 days left. to. go....................