My family and I went out to eat the other day for lunch. We do this pretty much weekly...its how we bond as a family, over food. You would think we are all obese but we aren't suprisingly. So we were getting in a friendly but heated discussion over the presidential race, mainly focusing on the fact that Obama was going to be the Democratic candidate.
My grandmother, who in her older years has gotten a lot more right wing, was commenting on the fact that Obama is Muslim and that she doesn't necessarily embrace what the religion has to offer. Also stating that we are fighting Muslim people. BUT that is a WHOLE other blog post...
She went on about how she doest agree with the practice that some, not ALL, Muslim people practice, being the slaughtering of the lamb on Easter. My sister chimed in stating that in Christian religion, the very religion that the United States was founded on, they too have a story of God slaughtering a lamb instead of slaughtering a boy and how Christan's too celebrate it but don't necessarily practice the event every year.
As we go on and on about this revelation, my 7 year old niece decided to make a comment. She looked at all of us and said, "I don't think that God slaughtered a lamb, I think that in Sunday School we were taught that he slaughtered a Moose...yup a Moose that's it! That's what he slaughtered, not a lamb you silly fools..."
We all stopped and looked and laughed. A moose.. who knew? This will be the newest story added to the Newer Testament....